😈First day😈

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My Name is yukina ashina I am a new students at code breaker high school. I have red hair and gold eyes.
(Yukina POV) As I sat in the car a wonder what my first day would be like at school. Suddenly a was snap out of my thoughts as the car came to a stop in front of my new school . as I stepped out of the car a couple students stop to stare at me at which a pay no attention to. (Third person POV). As yukina ashina made her throw the hallways people start to stare and talk. As I made my way threw school hallways. (Heike POV). normally i sat around my table in the hallway having tea and reading erotic novels i realized that is a bit crowded today when i saw this girl walk past and looked at me threw the corner of her eye. Has she walked past. a smile creped on to my face. and though this might be interesting. (Time Skip in class). class we have a new student please stand and say your name. My name is yukina ashina. All the boys start to gossip. And class started it is unknown to yukina a certain coder was now watching her every move . I would like you viewers watch to the anime code breaker before reading this fan. fiction

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