Chapter 1

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Johannes's POV

Headache is back. Great, juuuust great. What a good way to start your morning, with a fucking skull splitting mind numbing headache. Please let this be the one day Henrik lost his voice or decides it's the day to be quiet because I can already tell noise will make this head worse AND I can feel the bitchiness in me at an all time high today. And I don't feel like being kicked in the balls again by John if I yell at Henrik.

Of course, Henrik is singing some weird shit and OF COURSE he's wearing earbuds too so he doesn't realize how fucking loud he is. Not that he cares, he couldn't be quiet to save his life.

He's not getting any quieter. He's getting louder if anything. Don't snap Eckerström, it isn't worth it, don't sna-


Nice one, Eckerström, real nice.

Surprisingly John hasn't kicked me yet and Henrik is......still loud. Of course the little fucker wouldn't listen. Why am I not surprised? I just put a pillow over my face, at least that blocks out light.

"YOU'RE THE ONE BEING LOUD NOT ME!" The curly haired little fucker shouts back. Finally I just sit up and the pillow falls in my lap. Apparently I've got a major bitch face because Jonas and John just quickly looked away from me.

"You little curly haired fuck at least I KNOW how to be quiet!!"

"Bitch please I've heard you with Jonas you are NOT AT ALL QUIET YOU ARE LITERALLY THE MOST VOCAL PERSON ALIVE!!"


At that Tim just lost his shit laughing. Not like a normal loud ass laugh, I mean he almost fell off the couch on the floor, sharpies and paper scattering everywhere, sounding like a fucking dying hyena laughing so hard.

Oh yeah, just keep making noise that's totally okay.

"TIM! NOISE!" I yell. "Sorry Johannes! That was too fucking funny!" Tim can hardly breathe. "Hall käften! It was not!" Henrik yells, grabbing a pillow and throwing it at Tim. But Tim ducks in time, and it hits me straight in the face. As soon as it happened, it went dead silent. I look up glaring at Henrik, who just looks like a smug little kid.

"You're just asking to get your ass beaten. "

"Try and catch me bitch!!"

And with that, Henrik takes off running. I almost laugh as I run after him. He thinks he can outrun me? Really? I could catch him without even trying! His tiny legs won't take him 10 feet without falling!

Ok, he's fast.

Faster than I anticipated him to be.

The little fuck keeps running in a zig zag pattern, I can't figure out where he's even going! Wait, I think I see a pattern......yes I do! I'll run the opposite way and-

Just as I expected, he runs straight into me. He squeals as I pick him up and sling him over my shoulder and walk back towards the bus.

"Ahhh!! You tall bitch let me go!!" Henrik squealed and thrashed around, clearly not caring if he hurt me or himself. It was all fine, until he said the one word:


Oh fuck.

Before I can even react, Henrik is yanked out of my grip and there's a heavy weight in my back, making me fall. Before I can stand up again, my hair is yanked and my head is forced back and my arms are pinned behind my back.

"GAHH what the fuck?! are you beating me or getting ready to fuck me?!"

"I'll leave Jonas to punishing you later," I can hear the smirk in John's voice. I put up a fight and I almost win, or I would've if it wasn't for one crucial thing.

As I was fighting, John grips my throat tightly, making me freeze in place.

Oh shit shit shit, I am SO FUCKED.

I try to keep cool, try to keep from struggling, buuut it's no use. His grip just tightens on my throat, and I can feel my face heating up. It doesn't help Jonas is sitting right in front of me with a quizzical look on his face, and making me imagine it's his hand around my throat-

"You're blushing an awful lot for someone who's being choked-" Henrik stops mid sentence. Oh no, I can see the gears in his mind turning. Oh no he's gonna figure it out!!

"Oh my god you have a-"

"KNULLA DIG!!" I try to scream out, but my voice cracks and breaks, and John's grip tightens.

"Say uncle!!" John has almost a dominating tone, and my stupid mind twists his voice and makes it sound like Jonas's-...

John tightens his grip on my throat, and before any words can come out, a loud moan slips out.

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