Chapter 4 (or epilogue)

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"John John John come ON!!" Henrik tried to pull John by the arm back to the bus, but barely could, mostly because John was dragging his feet just to be difficult. He laughed at Henrik's struggle. "Henrik babe just wait!" He finally gave in and let himself be pulled along by his smol bean boyfriend. That is, until they see Tim running away from the bus and crash right into them.

"Woah! Tim what's wrong!?" Henrik looks at him worried. Tim wheezes and drops one of the many markers he was carrying with him.

"Johannes is screaming!"

"Uhh yeah he IS a metal singer he does that"

"Nooooo not that kind of screaming"

"Then what kind of-"

He gets cut off hearing Johannes scream again, but not a normal stage scream. Thaaat was an orgasmic scream. And it was LOUD. Well, it's Johannes, any scream from him is loud.

Tim quickly runs off again. John picks up a giggling Henrik.

"Dare I ask what you're giggling about?"

"I guess Jonas hit his spot good didn't he?"


Henrik dies laughing as John starts to carry him away, and Johannes makes a loud moan, loud enough it can almost be considered a scream. John already knows what Henrik is thinking.

"Henrik don't you dare"

"Lemme say it!!"


Henrik pouts and crosses his arms as John carries him away. Henrik's pout quickly turns into a devious smirk, and he leaned over John's shoulder and sang at the top of his lungs:



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