Chapter 3

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I went to my room to start packing. I can't believe it, 5 months of waiting, the wait is finally over! I grabbed my clothes and everything else and jammed it into my bag. I zipped it up and ran to the Twins. They were happy to see me excited to go to their house. "Okay, I'm pretty sure I have everything in here." I said. "Okay, lets go to your new home and meet your new family!" Ivan said. I hugged Hanna really tight and said my goodbyes. "Bye!!!!" I said to Hanna. "Bye!! I'll miss you!!" Hanna said. We had eachothers numbers so we'll stay in touch. As I stepped outside, I felt complete again, like I had a second chance at life. I got into the car and waved goodbye. I was really going to miss Hanna, but I'll text her everyday. "Sooo, are you excited to meet your new family??" Emilio said. "Yes, Im very excited!!" I said, genuinely excited. "Awesome!" Ivan said.

~~~Time skip to arrival~~~

Omg this house was even bigger in person than in the vlogs! There were so many people outside the house! How do these people get their address? Ehh whatever guess I don't need to know. As we walked in, everyone was screaming and throwing stuff. Then all of a sudden, everyone stopped, and stared at us. "Hey guys, this is Olivia, she is going to be a new member of the family!" Ivan said. "Hi guys!" I said. "Hiiiii!!!" Everyone said. I walked over to everyone and hugged them all. Jake wasn't here. I think he's in New York with Anthony and Justin. Oh well, I guess I'll just wait for them to get here. Chance was here, though. He shot me with his gun tattoo that him, Anthony, and Jake got from the "You Spin it, You Get a Tattoo" video. If when I grow up here, and join Team 10, I would get an Ⅹ️ tattoo for Team 10. The Twins showed me to my room. It was big, and it was pretty. The color of the paint was an ocean blue. That's actually my favorite color, so this room matches me perfectly! I unpacked my stuff, and put it away. I was so tired I just passed out on my bed. I heard someone walk in, I peaked my head over to see who it was. It was Emilio. "Hey Olivia" he said. "Hi Emilio." I said. "So how do you like your new room?" He asked. "I love it actually, the paint color is actually my favorite color!" I said, excitingly. "Thats awesome!" Emilio said. "Hey do you think you and Ivan could teach me to speak Spanish so nobody could know what we're saying when we talk??" I asked. "Yeah sure! That would be fun!" He said, excitingly. "Awesome!! Thank you! Can we start on it tomorrow??" I asked, eager to find out an answer. "Yeah! We can start whenever you want to!" Emilio said. He then left my room. It was 11 pm and I was about to fall asleep. But, I heard the front door open. I went down stairs, and it was Jake, Anthony, and Justin (Freshman) ! "Hi! You're Olivia, right?" Jake asked. "Yeah, that's me, Olivia." I said, excitingly. "Well, welcome to the family!" Jake said. "Im very grateful that I was adopted. I have much appreciation and I also watched your vlogs when I was still at the orphanage! I still watch them, of course, Jake Paulers number 1!!" I said. "Thats awesome!! Wanna do my intro tomorrow?? You know it, right?" He asked. "Yeah, of course I know it, any Jake Pauler would!" I said. "Okay that's awesome! Well anyway, you should be getting to bed. Its getting late!" Jake said. "Okay, I'm about to pass out anyway!" I said, yawning. I said good night to everyone and went to bed.

~~~The next day~~~

I woke up to Jake saying "GOOD MORNING JAKE PAULERS!!!" Then he dumped water all over me. I laughed and then I woke up and did his intro. Man, living in the Team 10 house is so much fun!!! I wonder what I'm going to do while I live here…

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