Chapter 4

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I wonder what living here is going to be like. After I did Jake's intro, I changed my clothes and went downstairs to eat breakfast. I was the only one up beside Jake, so I decided to be nice and make everyone some breakfast. I made pancakes for everyone with some bacon and eggs. It took about 20 minutes after I was done making breakfast for everyone to get up. When everyone came downstairs, they were excited to have breakfast already made. "Good morning everyone! I made breakfast for you all!" I yelled. All of a sudden, there was a bang sound. IT WAS DYNAMITE DYLAN! He left burning marks on the ground and took a plate of breakfast and disappeared. Well, guess I have to make another breakfast for myself. As I made my breakfast, everyone was eating their's. Right when I finished making mine, everyone finished their's. I guess they couldn't wait. As I was eating mine, Ivan and Emilio were vlogging. I wonder which one I should call dad. I'll figure that out later. They both put me in their vlogs. Vlogging sounds fun. I want to start vlogging, but I don't even know how to edit! I bet Jake could help me with that. But I need a camera. "Ivan?" I said. "Yes, Olivia?" He replyed. "I want to start vlogging. You think maybe we could do that?" I asked. "Yes! Of course!! That would be exciting for you to be vlogging!" He said. "Awesome!! Thank you!!" I said, excitingly. I hugged him, and he hugged me back. "Do you have a camera I could have like an old one or something? Like the one Erika has?" I asked. "Oh, a G-7X? Yeah, I have one of those! I also have a memory card for it too!" Ivan said. "That's awesome! Thank you so much!! I love you!" I said, hugging him. "I love you too." He whispered in my ear as we were hugging. I felt special. I felt loved again. I am loved. By everyone in this house. Which is 12 people. I love living here. It's the best thing ever. "So, could you help me with my first vlog?" I asked. "Yes! Of course I'll help you, I'll even edit it for you and teach you how to edit like a pro!" Ivan said. "Oh my gosh, thank you so much! This means so much to me!" I said. "You're welcome. Anything for you! So I'll go upstairs and grab everything and we can start your first vlog!" He said. "Yay! I'm just letting you know this now, I'm a pretty good prankster, like you!" I said to Ivan, as he walked up the stairs. He came back down with the camera and then we started the vlog.
"Hello world! I'm Olivia and this is my first vlog! With my dad, Ivan Martinez!!" I said into the camera. "Hello! If there's any Martinators watching this, comment 'SAVAGE'!! 'Cause we are the savagest family on YouTube!" He said. After Ivan said that I gave them a house tour because we just moved into a brand new house!! It's technically called a mansion but whatever! I always get lost in the house it's so big and we have to call each other to see where they are! I like that there's an elevator in the house. The tour took me like half an hour so I just ended the vlog there because the longer the video is, the longer you'll have to edit. Oh yeah, I forgot to say this, Im better at editing than Ivan and Emilio are!

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