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Sam signed to herself watched her friends have fun and dance about in the ball room her long light brown hair covering her face,she only let the finest and richest of the rich to her party, getting up she walked to the dinning table, until there Was a loud knock at the door. She walked towards the door opening it came face to face with a old man.

" please my I take shelter in you're castle from the harsh cold, in return I offer you a rose." Said the old man, kindly

Sam scoffed

" a man like you in my home,  how pathetic, and as ugly as you, take a hike old man!"She Chuckled, as her friends laughed as well

With that she slammed the door unware of what she had just done, the doors to the castle opened with a golden glow, the old man was now handsome with long brown hair, and piercing green eyes, everyone gasped at his beauty. Sam was on her knees realizing he was a an enchanter.

" I-I'm so sorry please make yourself at home." pleaded   Sam

"No, you had you're chance now you must suffer the consequences for true beauty lies within not for what's on the outside." Said the Enchanter

With that he cast a spell on the young woman turn into a  Terrifying beast as she roard a terrible roar, all of her friends ran for their lives , except for her servants who we're turned into house hold items.he  offered her a rose a enchanted rose, if the princess could learn to truly love someone, and earn that love in return by the time the last petal falls the spell would be broken if not, she would remain a beast forever....

Beauty and the beast (my version)Where stories live. Discover now