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( credit to artist for the drawing Im using )

Levy made her way to the cabin her and Lucy shared has it was full of smoke she opened the door to let some of it out , she carefully walked inside looking for her friend , pretty soon she did find the blonde female and she helped her up. Lucy dusted her self off looking up at her friend.

" are you ok Lucy?" Levy asked

" yeah, Im fine." Lucy answered

" good, tried to make another key huh?" Levy chuckled

" yeah for the fair,guess it didn't work this time." Lucy sighed

" hey who said it didn't work?" A voice exclaimed

The two girls looked in the direction the voice came from,shocked too see a dark brown haired female in a with tigers ears on the top of her head along with a tail standing in front of them.mThe girl only chuckled at their response and walked over to them her tail swaying from side to side.

" it worked?" Levy asked, amazed

" it worked!" Lucy shouted

" names Tora, but Im guessing you already know what zodiac I am ?" Tora asked

" yes the tiger the Chinese zodiac." Lucy answered , smiling

" hehe bingo." Tora chuckled

" this means you can go to the fair." Levy said

" yeah it does!" Said Lucy

So that afternoon Lucy got her bags ready to head to a near by town where the fair was taking place, taking Tora's key with her, waving goodbye to her friend as her brown horse Philip walked off . Soon they were in a forest but suddenly it turned very cold snow was covering the once green grass. Philip looked around with a frighten expression , Lucy tried her best to calm her horse down. Soon she found out why he looked so frighten , she could heard a loud howl echo around them they were being followed, and the source of the howling revealed its self a pack of wolves surrounded them. Philip slowly backed away as he ran off the wolfs following close behind him, he took many sharp turns until he ran into some open gates . Lucy quickly got off closing them was the alpa wolf slammed into. It glared at the blond female but looked around and ran back into the woods , Lucy turned around seeing that  she was infront of a castle.

" come on Philip maybe we can get some help from inside." Lucy said, as she walked up to the castle doors 

Beauty and the beast (my version)Where stories live. Discover now