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you think I should go with Shawn tomorrow

Do you think you should go with Shawn tomorrow is the question



Best friend help meeee

Okay okay go with him you know you want to

I never said that but...

butttt you never not said that


The point is you want to so just do it. I know you're scared because of he who should not be named but if you aren't comfortable yet with him tell him you want to just be friends right now.

What if he thinks I'm lame or doesn't want to do it anymore after I tell him?

Then maybe he's not worth going after Sabrina. I love you and think you deserve the world and if he can't see that then it's time for him to go.

Best friend I love you so much

I love you too but you have someone to dm now don't you?

Okay okay

Shawn and Sabrina

Okay I'll go with you tomorrow but not as a date, I'm not ready for a date yet I'm sorry but we can go as friends

I'm still down to go I just really want to meet you even if it's not to be your 'bae' 😂

Haha Mendes how funny

I'm kidding but that will be cool I'll pic you up tomorrow and we'll do something casual  cool?

Gotcha see ya tomorrow muffin

Is that a pet name I see?  😍🙊

Watch it Mendes

Okay okay bye see ya tomorrow

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