44|| real life

239 4 1

  This was definitely one of the times I wish I was just normal. As soon as David posted that picture on his IG the comments started pouring in. I was about to leave David's house when they came in. David, Jeff, and I all got the notification and tags at the same time. We all looked at each other at the same time.

"Welp" I said liking some of the comments who supported Shawn and I'd relationship.

"Yep" Jeff said scrolling through the sea of comments left under that picture.

"Maybe I should just delete it" David said looking at me.

"No don't do that. If you do that it's like letting them win. It's like you letting them know you saw it and you regret posting that picture. You don't regret posting that picture do you?" I asked with both my eyebrows raised.

"Of course not. I just don't want to do anything to harm you and Shawn's relationship. Especially after everything you went through with that creep." David said locking his phone.

I know what your thinking. I only told Jeff and David about the situation with my ex and it was only because I feel like I've known them forever even though it's only been a few days. Okay so maybe it wasn't the best idea but it wasn't like I told them everything.

"You shouldn't have to walk on eggshells on your social media page. I'm cool with it, it's not like I don't deal with stuff like this everyday." I said shrugging my shoulders.

David and Jeff looked at each other then back at me smiling.

"Yeah okay well I need content so I'm headed over to Jason's." David said grabbing his keys and camera and getting up.

"Jeff you can let her and yourself out right?" He added on. Jeff and I nodded as David walked out the door. Jeff's eyes returned to mine and he smiled.

"What?" I asked chuckling a bit

"Nothing it's just you have this look on your face." Jeff said

"What look?" I asked looking at him confused.

"It's like a fire in your eyes." Jeff said chuckling a bit

"Oh ... sorry" I said feeling the heat rising in my cheeks.

"No don't apologize, It's cute" he said smiling

"In a baby kind of way you know" he said once he realized what he said

I nodded

"Thanks man. Um I'm gonna head over to Shawn's." I said standing up grabbing my keys.

"Yeah I'm gonna go to I got some very important...things to attend to." He said clearly just wanting to escape the awkward situation we were just in.

"Cool...walk me out?" I asked. He slipped his hands in his pockets and nodded walking me to my car.

"Okay see you later man." I said trying to lighten the mood. I reached for a hug from him and he hugged me back. We eventually pulled away and I smiled at him as I got in my car and pulled away. I drove to Shawn's thinking about the awkward vibe that was now put between Jeff and I due to some comments.

I pulled up to Shawn's house. I felt a little scared honestly to go in there. I didn't know how he felt about the issue, if it even mattered to him. I hopped out of my car pulling out my key to his house and walking in. Shawn was sitting on the couch, phone in hand.

His eyebrows were furrowed and his lips were parted. His fingers moving up and down. I walked over to him grabbing his phone out of his hands.

"I know what you're looking at. They're just comments, no need to be upset about it." I said trying to read his expression.

"I'm not" He said obviously lying.

"Shawn, never play poker okay." I said referring back to the fact that he's a horrible liar. He rolled his eyes playfully and smiled at me.

"Seriously I'm not upset, I just feel a little... I don't even know how to explain it."

"Shawn you're upset and that's okay, I would be too. You know you have nothing to worry about right? Like you know that's never ever gonna happen...right?" I ask raising my eyebrows. I wanted to make sure I was being clear.

"Baby I know, I trust you I just feel uneasy about the whole situation." He said grabbing my hand off of my lap and kissing it.

"Honestly I think we all felt like that. I was just by David's and Jeff and we were all talking about if David should delete the photos or not..." I went on to tell him about what happened when we were by David's house including what Jeff said to me. I mean it wasn't a big deal just an awkward moment.

"HE SAID WHAT?" Shawn said, eyes bulging out of his head. I turned my head quickly to look at him.

"Shawn, c'mon you know that's not what he meant right." I said trying to calm him down.

"Sabrina he called you cute." He said furrowing his eyebrows.

"Mm no he said the fire was cute not me."

"Sabrina that's something I've said to you." He said squinting his eyes at me.


"After I told you that we had sex."

Okay so maybe he had a point.

"Well I didn't have sex with him did I?" I said growing angry at this point.

"No you didn't but he wanted to, or at least kiss you." He said turning to the side.

"You don't know that." I said shaking my head. My body was growing warmer and warmer and not in the good way.

"I'm. A. Guy. You think I don't know what he wanted to do to you?" He asked looking at me dead in my eyes.

"Okay Shawn, Jeff and I are just friends."

"I don't want you hanging out with him anymore." He muttered turning his head to the side.

I squinted my eyes at him. Then I laughed out of anger.

"Who are you to tell me who I can and can't hang out with? You know what call me when you stop being a jealous control freak." I said grabbing my things. He shook his head as if I was in the wrong. I walked out of his house and hopped in my car.

"Ugh" I exclaimed pulling out my phone.

Hey what are you doing later today

Nothing much, why

Let's do something

I'm down

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2020 ⏰

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