Chapter 5

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Class 1-A hadn't forgot the incident, but they also didn't let it weigh too heavily on their minds. Shouto being the only exception. He wondered why, out of everyone there, you chose him to embarrass. Was it because of his father? You had seemed scared of his fire.

He pondered over this while walking out of the classroom. It was lunch, and he had brought his own, thinking it might be relaxing to sit on the roof and eat, hopefully taking some stress away.

Sitting down, he took out his lunch, being thankful that nobody else had the same idea. As he sat eating, his mind wandered to you. He wanted so desperately to shake away the thoughts, but he couldn't. It was like you wouldn't let him. But he already knew your quirk, and it didn't have anything to do with memory.

He sighed, knowing that he probably wouldn't be able to relax now, when he heard what sounded like someone landing on the roof. It was a thud, but more like...someone jumped up, or something? But they would have to scale the building first, and it was unlikely anyone would dare, let alone manage it.

Closing his eyes, he attempted to rest, and not think about you or his father. A few minutes later, he began to feel pressure on his waist. Almost as if someone was sitting on him. His eyes shot open, and there you were, straddling him. You smiled down, pushing him to the ground and pinning his arms in place.

He tried to use his ice, but your hand was on his, preventing anything from coming out.

"I missed you so much!" You sounded really happy.

"How did you get in? The security-" You cut him off, holding up a student I.D.

"Snagged it from a girl this morning."

Lowering yourself slightly, you let your nose touch his. He could feel your breath, and was fighting the dirty thoughts flooding his head. You weren't using much force to keep him down, so after a bit of a struggle, he released himself and jumped up.

You didn't appear shocked. No, it was more like you had seen it coming. It confused him, because why would you let him escape? You had done something similar when you first met. You were now below him, and able to see his change in expression.

Tugging on his sleeve, you brought him down to your level.

"Don't leave. I haven't done anything yet. ~" You whispered.

Then, you swiftly pinned him back on the ground, straddling him tighter this time, your thighs locked on either side of his waist. He blushed, and tried to look away. His hands were momentarily free, and he shot some ice, which you barely managed to dodge. It didn't make a wall though – you stopped it just in time.

He squirmed underneath you, avoiding your lustful gaze at all costs. He froze when he felt you by his ear.

"Are you going to defy me like a bad boy, or will you listen?" You whispered, in the same seductive voice you used the first time you spoke to him.

He swore, your voice alone would be the death of him. It gave him all kinds of thoughts – things he didn't even want to dream about. Not with you. Not with the enemy.

He whimpered as soon as your tongue trailed from his ear to his collarbone. He thought his skin was on fire – you were licking his right side, and it felt so...pleasurable.

You looked into his eyes when he let out a low moan, and he really wanted to muffle his voice. You had both his hands in your firm grasp, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get them out.

"I got wet thinking about you."

He heard this, and his world turned upside down. It was bad. Really bad. How much he needed you. How much he was attempting to hide his erection. Being sat on him, you noticed, but ignored it, opting to suck and bite at his neck instead.

You left lots of marks, claiming him as your own. They were left in obvious places – so that his classmates, and anyone who wanted him could see. 

He was marked.

[Half Love, Half Lust] Shouto Todoroki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now