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You were shocked. Sans was in your head? You started to cry.

"My child? Are you alright?" Toriel asked.

You nodded as you blinked back your tears.

You nodded as you blinked back your tears

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It sounded like Sans, but it couldn't be. He died. You looked down at his scarf and gloves.

"Oh dear. Come on, my child. It is alright. We will stick together and make it through this." Toriel said.

You nodded and wiped your tears. Then, you saw your old home.

"Toriel! That's my place! You could stay there!" You exclaimed.

Toriel started walking towards your house. She set you down and knocked on the door. When she knocked on the door, your mom opened it. She saw you and her eyes widened.

"(Y/N)!!" She exclaimed.

"Mom!" You exclaimed.

Your whole family came and gave you a hug.

"This is Toriel! She's the only one that survived a human killer..." You mumbled the last part.

"Ah hello. Have you kept my baby safe?" Your mother asked.

Toriel nodded and gave one of the sweetest smiles ever.

"Yes I did. And what are your names?" Toriel asked.

Your dad smiled at you and gave you another hug before heading into the house. You grabbed Toriel's hand and brought her inside. You showed her your room, the guest room, your parents' room, the bathroom, the kitchen, the family room, and your (special interest) room. 

"You'll be staying the guest room." You said, and guided her to it.

She gave a nod and looked around the room. You went to your room to see that it had never been touched. You dusted it off. Then, your parents came in and closed the door.

"(Y/N), honey..." Your mom sighed.

"We need you to know that even if you try, we'll never be proud. And, it sounds like you replaced us." Your dad said.

"I-I didn't replace you! Sh-She was the last monster left! E-Everyone else died!" You said.

"Oh. So now you're killing?!" Your mom asked.

"N-NO! Someone else did! Do you think I would kill my boyfriend?!" You asked, pointing to the gloves and the scarf.

"BOYFRIEND?!" Both of your parents screamed.

"You had a monster for a boyfriend?!" Your mom screeched.

"Yeah! He was amazing! And better than any HUMAN boyfriend that I would've gotten if I didn't almost kill myself!" You exclaimed.

"You were thinking about killing yourself, huh?" Your mom asked.

"Heh. Well, you should. You're the reason your sister left." Your dad growled.

Toriel had heard enough to know what was going to happen next. She marched into the next room and took you into her arms.

"You call yourself parents?" Toriel asked.

Your mom glared at her.

"Give us our daughter back!" Your dad exclaimed.

"I will not give (Y/N) to monsters." Toriel spat.

You had never seen this side of her. Toriel took you to the guest room and locked the door behind her. She set you down and checked for any injuries.

"Are you alright, my child?" Toriel asked, the sweetness back in her voice.

You nodded, sending a fake smile towards her. You could hear Sans' voice in the back of  your head telling you to sleep.

"I'm tired, Toriel. I'm gonna go to sleep, okay?" You asked.

Toriel nodded and walked out. You laid down on the bed and fell into a deep sleep.



The voice sounded like Sans.

"Sans?" You asked.

"(Y/N)!" Sans yelled and tackled you.

You hugged back crying. You looked at Sans. He looked strange without his gloves or scarf.

"Oh! Um, here." You said, handing his scarf and gloves back.

Sans put on his scarf and gloves, smiling. He hugged you again.

"I missed you, (Y/N)..." Sans said.

"I missed you to, Sansy." You said.

Then, Sans stood up and started leading you somewhere.

"Come on! You can reset!" Sans said.

"Reset?" You asked.

Sans nodded and showed you a two buttons.

*RESET                                                                                          *CONTINUE

You looked at him, confused.

"What happens if I reset?" You asked.

"Well, you go back to when you fell. Everyone forgets everything... well, except for me." Sans said.

{{ Yes, I see that ALL Sanses in ALL AU's know about the timelines. }}

"Oh... will you be back alive?" You asked.

Sans nodded. You smiled and before you pressed it, you kissed Sans.


{{ Word count: 633 words

So the sequel will be out... soon. I'm trying to think of a plot. I hope you enjoyed "My Precious Berry"! Thank you for 1.5K views, it means a lot. And as always...

See ya in another book!

Bye!~ }}

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