Chapter 1

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Bill looked around, the ground was burning beneath her, the Cybermen kept coming in flooding formations. And the Doctor was no where to be found. Her head was screaming with fear, an emotion she could no longer express. She tried running, no use. How could she forget her cruel punishment? A punishment she didn't deserve given to her by someone she trusted.

Someone the doctor trusted

As if on cue she bumped into a body; not the Doctors body like she was hoping, but a smaller figure.

A women

There she was lying either dead or almost dead on the ground, looking more peaceful then Bill had ever seen her. No evil seemed to reflect off of her, no hatred. She seemed calm.

She imagined The Doctor finding her like this, he would probably drop to his knees and hold her close. Remembering the good times they had as children. He would stroke her wild hair and kiss her forehead.

Bill remembered him expressing his past feelings for this women to her on a bench. She assumed those feelings were still present.

She knew if The Doctor were still alive he would want to see her. He would want her to be with him when he died. So reluctantly she picked up the small frame walking back the other way in hopes of finding him before he died himself.

Her hope was dwindling when there was no sign of the Doctor anywhere, but her faith quickly rose again when a small breath escaped Missys lips.

She was alive

Dying and quickly, but alive

Bill walked as fast as her legs would take her avoiding other Cybermen until a familiar man with silver hair was spotted. He was laying on the ground talking to himself and looking at the sky.

The sky was orange reflecting the flames down below, she had heard that Gallifrey was like this, orange sky's reflecting the red grass with the twin suns shimmering down below. She wondered if that's what he was thinking about.

Bill walked over to him,

"I found her." She said breaking the Doctors focus from his monologue. He looked over at the only friendly Cybermen on this ship.

He noticed the beautiful women she was carrying in her arms.


She was dead... he could feel tears pricking at the edges of his eyes, why was he sad? He wondered, she wouldn't stand with him anyways, but then again why was she dead she should have left with the master.


"Lay her down." He said softly, Bill gently followed his orders by laying her down by his side.

"Missy." He whispered, "Come on, regenerate I know you can."

But it was no use the Time lady made no response. Bill watched as one tear escaped her eye. Grateful that she could show a little emotion for the Doctors sake.

He looked up at Bill, "I'm going to save her. This regeneration doesn't belong to me it belongs to her."

He sat himself up despite the pain and wincing, placing his hand on her chest and letting his regeneration spark into her.

Her eyes opened, "Thete...?" She asked.

His heart almost melted at hearing his old nickname come out of her mouth. The nickname she had given him and only she was allowed to use, and she had no idea how special it was to him.

"Yes it's me."

"What- what are you doing, save yourself you can't die." She protested trying to stop his foolish idea of saving her.

"No I can't let YOU die." He replied continuing until she was fully healed.

She caught him when he collapsed all of his energy wasted on her. "No, no." She cried, "This isn't how it's supposed to happen Thete!"

He gave her a small smile stroking her cheek, "Oh Kos, I'm the Doctor I'm supposed to save people especially you."

She smiled back at him, tears falling onto her face. Crying wasn't usually something she did in front of people, but she felt like this moment could be an exception.

"Let me save you too then."

She leaned down and kissed him sharing the regeneration energy he had just given her. His hand tangled in her hair bringing her down closer to him.

Bill watched, her mind amazed by the beautiful golden light surrounding them. When they broke apart they both seemed healthy again, but neither of them changed.

"Now I suggest we leave." Missy said

The Doctor nodded, "Could you not think of a better way to share the energy besides kissing me?" He asked trying to sound upset, but was clearly failing.

She laughed, "Dont act like you didn't enjoy that."

He shrugged and stood up facing Bill, "Bill I'm so sorry I couldn't do anything more to help you."

"It's okay," She said, "Now I'll hold the lever down for the elevator so you two can go up safely."

"What about you?" He asked

"I have a feeling I'm supposed to do this, now let's go!"

Missy nodded taking the Doctors hand and running to the elevator. Bill following close behind them.

"My past self should be at the bottom now and the elevator should be here again." Missy said when they arrived.

Bill pulled the lever, "Go in guys quickly." She said.

"I can't leave you Bill!" The Doctor protested.

"You have to go I'll be okay." She lied

Missy sighed and pulled the Doctor into the elevator, Bill let go of the lever and up they went.


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