Chapter 22

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[Ty's POV]

I have no idea how long I've been out.

Or even if I've been out for that long.

After that nightmare, I sort of half-woke up. I could hear things, but I couldn't see them or move.

This is all Adam's fault. If he had left you alone, you would be living happily with Maddie.

No, your wrong. She abused me.

Am I wrong? That would have been the best decision. Adam could-

Never love a gay freak like me. I know.

[Mitch's POV]

I giddily led them to the "Gotcha!" cam. I took it out of the closet and removed the tape. Before they could ask questions, I inserted it into Ty's computer. We looked at the screen in anticipation. Suddenly, a video came on. Ty answered his phone.


"Are you Tyler Ellis?"

"Yes ma'am?"

"We have some bad news. The girl you and your friends put in here?"


"She escaped. We do not know when she escaped, but we do know that she is gone and we found passed out and dead guards-"


"Sir, please calm-"

"I can't calm down! My psycho ex is on the loose!"


Ty hung up and slumped onto the floor. That's when Adam came in. I turned off the video because we all knew what happened next. Adam buried his face in his hands and Jerome tried to comfort him.

"Ty's ex is on the loose AND he's in a coma!" He sobbed. Both Jerome and I comforted him. I started softly singing under my breath, as if he was a little kid.

"Don't you worry, don't you worry, child.

See heaven's got a plan for you.

Don't you worry, don't you worry now."

Adam's sobbing gradually decreased as the song went on.

~The next day~

[Adam's POV]

I had a deep sleep, full of dreams about Ty. Why can't I stop thinking about him? I mean, he couldn't love me-did I really just say that? I'm not- maybe I am.

We sat in silence as we all had cinnamon rolls. This should have been a happy occasion, but how could we be happy?

It was almost time for visiting hours so I silently excused myself to get ready. I put on a grey t-shirt and jeans with converse. I smiled at Jerome and Mitch on the way out.

[Unknown's POV]

I sat in the waiting room, waiting for Ty. Oh, Ty. Why did I have to leave? All of a sudden, a man looking to be about 20-ish stepped in wearing a grey t-shirt, jeans, and converse.

"Hi." He practically whispered, sitting down next to me.

[Adam's POV]

I walked in the waiting room and saw a girl with short, brown hair wearing a black and white striped sweatshirt over jeans and combat boots.

"Hi." My voice sounds hoarse as I sat down in the chair next to her.

"Hey." She tried to match my tone and smiled.

"How were you related to Ty?" I asked. It sounded more like an accusation when I said it.


"I didn't know Ty had any siblings." She nodded and looked away, tears on the brim. "What's your name?"

She looks at me and holds out her hand. "Cory. You?"

I shake her hand. "Adam."

We both sit in silence for quite some time. Nurses and doctors come in and out, checking Ty's progress. Cory speaks up.

"How were you related to Ty?"

"I was a good friend to him." Was. What am I hinting at?!

She nodded and laughed. "Ty never was good at making friends."

[Ty's POV]

I could hear my sister and Adam joke and laugh and I wanted so badly to tell them that I was okay. Then, Cory decided that, I guess, Adam was safe enough to know our story.

Don't do it. He'll pity me. I hate pity.

Pity is what you need right now.

[Cory's POV]

Adam kept hinting towards our childhood, did Ty really give him the information?

"Adam. I feel like if your going to be Ty's friend after he wakes up, you'll need to know this." His eyes grew semi-wide and nodded. "But, don't pity him. He doesn't like pity." He nodded once more, signaling for me to continue.

((Nice, long chapter! You get to see what Cory has to say in the next chapter MUHAHAHA!))

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