The Child And The Choice

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Armored ran into the room Jason was in while the sound of a keeper chanting filled his head. Armored could hear what sounded like a small child crying. "JASON WHERE ARE YOU" yelled Armored. "Behind you" replied Jason who had a small Rift keeper in his grasp. The child keeper wailed in terror as he begged Jason to let him go. "I'm out of ammo so it's up to you to kill this thing" said Jason as he held the child like a meat shield. Armored pulled out his revolver and loaded it. "Jason we don't need to kill him" said Armored. "Yes we do... The Sentinels don't take prisoners" said Jason. "Come on man it's just a child" said Armored. "No it's an abomination now prove your loyalty to the Sentinels and kill this thing" said Jason. "I'm sorry" said Armored who raised his pistol. "DO IT NOW" yelled Jason. Armored fired his pistol and Jason's mask exploded. He crumpled to the floor and collapsed into a puddle of his own blood. Armored holstered his pistol and knelt down to the child's eye level. He held out his hand and the Keeper looked at him for a second. He hesitantly took Armored's hand and stared at him. "It's okay kid... I'm gonna get you home" said Armored. Armored heard Jennifer walking up behind him. She gasped when she saw Jason's dead body. "ARMORED WHAT HAVE YOU DONE" she screamed in horror. "What I thought was right" said Armored as he embraced the young keeper. "You killed one of your own for some... some abomination" yelled Jennifer. "It's just a child... I don't kill innocents, especially children" said Armored. "Whats so special about him" asked Jennifer. "He's the leader of the Keepers son" replied Armored. "Oh so we're going to hold him hostage then... bring the parents out of hiding and kill them" said Jane. "No Jane... I'm taking him home" said Armored. "You mean the tower" asked Jane. "No, I'm taking him to his parents" said Armored.

Jane looked at him and frowned. "I'm sorry Armored you give me no choice" said Jane as she pressed a red button that was attached to a radio on her new collar. "Armored has gone rouge... he killed Jason and is harboring a young keeper please acknowledge" said Jane. "You mutt" said Alpha. "Alpha no... we should go" said Armored. "I'm coming with you... we do this as a team remember" said Jennifer. Baker ran in and stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Jason's dead body. "Just wanted to let you know that we have a convoy of sentinels headed straight towards us" said Baker. "Can you hold them off" asked Jennifer. "Gladly... stay safe little guy" said Baker as he patted the keeper on the head. "Mr. Armored can we go now... I'm scared" asked the keeper. "Alright kid lets get out of here" said Armored. "COWARDS" snarled Jane. Armored kicked her across the room which caused her to slam her head on the wall and knocked her out cold. "Let's get out of here" said Jennifer. While Jennifer and her remaining squad mates made a run for it Baker stacked up at the entrance and aimed his rifle at the approaching Sentinels. Three attack dogs came charging at Baker and fell dead by Bakers hand. "Who's next" he muttered to himself. Suddenly bullets started flying past him while he took cover and returned fire. "Screw you guys" yelled Baker as he took out three Sentinels that were trying to get around him. "Come on Armored hurry up" whimpered Baker as he kept firing his sniper until he heard his least favorite sound. "Shit out of ammo" he sighed as he pulled out his revolver and started firing at a truck filled with soldiers. He tossed a grenade and the truck erupted into flames and killing several Sentinels nearby. 

Armored could hear the gunshots and the explosions all the way on the other side of the hive. "There should be an exit over here" said the keeper. "Do you have a name kid" asked Jennifer. "No we usually wait for our parents to give us a name" said the keeper. "Alright well for now on we'll call you Benny" said Armored as he unlocked the door that led to the outside world. "Benny... huh, I kinda like that" said Benny. "Benny it is then" said Jennifer. "Alright Jennifer what should we do... make a run for the ship or just pick a random direction and start running" asked Armored. "We have a better chance of surviving if we pick the second one" said Alpha. "What makes you say that" asked Jennifer. "They'll just shoot us down if we take the ship" said Alpha. "Alright then where do you live Benny" asked Armored. "I don't know where I live" said Benny. "Okay, any ideas on how we find out" asked Armored. "We need to get to New Wolfenburg" said Jennifer. "Why" asked Armored. "I have an ex who lives there and knows everything there is to know about Keepers" said Jennifer. "Alright then lets move out" said Armored. 

Baker's pistol clicked which caused him to throw it on the ground and pull out his knife. When he ran out from his hiding spot Gran tackled him and sunk his teeth into Bakers arm. "AHHH GET OFF ME" screamed Baker who was trying to reach for his knife that was under Grant. Suddenly blood began to spray everywhere as Bakers arm came clean off. "WHAT THE  HELL... OH SHIT" he sobbed in pain. Grant stood there with Bakers arm in his mouth as his muzzle dripped with blood. "Oh god..." cried Baker. Blood covered the ground and Baker rolled around in pain as his uniform began to turn a shade of red. "STOP" yelled Joseph. "Joseph... make it stop" wailed Baker. "It's okay brother I got you" said Joseph who began to treat Bakers wound. "GRANT BAD DOG" yelled Joseph. "I... I'm gonna kill that stupid mongrel" sobbed Baker. 

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