q and a's (part 1)

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so here are some questions raised by the lovely readers:)
Does he, like, visit prostitutes everyday?
The good thing is, he doesn't visit prostitutes. He goes to a bar. But he also doesn't go there every day but he goes there like ever alternate days
Where got so many wives to do the thing one?
Wait do what thing
And I also wanna know, why can't you go shopping at 11pm ...? (It's better than dying, at least.)
Cuz shopping mall closes before 11 mah
And what happen to the girl's father ah?
Er. I forgot totallly about the father but he died due to cancer
And also, what bus did she take? Is it public bus or the bus like school bus liddat? Because when I take public bus it's not like 20mins then come (not in SG, at least. )
It's not based in sg but fun fact!! I have to wait 20 min every day for the bus cuz it's so sLoW
speaking of country, what country is she from if not SG? And why that country allow such sexual abuse?
I haven't thought of what country this is based in. But the thing is, domestic abuse is highly ignored in many countries. Men usually are the ones with greater power and the women are usually afraid to speak up.
The above questions were asked by Cady_Cheshire ! :)
Why he go through puberty liddat one one minute like "bitch" one minute like "babe" one- ZJoetimes2
Honestly, he's a bastard. That's why. He's dependable on his wife but he's not satisfied with her.
y so emo one- injuredmochi
Because i thought of this during poetry analysis test and the poem was emo so AHAHAHAH

will update when i have more! <3

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