Eliza's report (3)

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July 24th, 1907 9:26am
At precisely 3:44 am on the night of July 23rd I was awoken in order to attend to patient 2401. When I neared her room I heard screams coming from it. I rushed to her and proceeded to ask if she were okay, to which she replied "please come in, I'm afraid." Upon this I immediately entered the room to care for her. She pinned me to a wall and began to strangle me, demanding that I stay away from her. After around thirty seconds of strangulation she let me go, presumably due to a personality change. She then announced something along the lines of "what did she do? We had a nightmare and- I'm so sorry, are you okay?" To which I, flustered and shaken up, replied with "I'm glad you're okay Maria, goodnight" then returned to my quarters. Luckily, as far as I can see I pertain no physical damage, although I can't vouch for my psychological state.

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