Nurse Dorothy's report (1)

226 12 13

26th July, 1907 01:35am
After admitting to her crimes, Elizabeth Schuyler-Hamilton was taken to the therapy rooms. Electro-shocks were performed on her in order to eradicate the homosexual thoughts. Strangely, the patient did not scream. She laughed. This hysteric laughter merged with the nightly screams of her partner to create an eerie symphony of madness that still rings in my ears even now, as I'm sure it will for many years into the future. The patient was diagnosed with acute mania and placed in a cell next to Miss Reynolds. Her family were informed of her state. Counselling is being put in place for the daughter, who will not be permitted to see her mother until she is eighteen years of age. Although we hope Mrs Schuyler-Hamilton does recover, at this point it seems unlikely.

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