Chapter 8, Seeing the Students...

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*Yami's POV*
I'm getting more worried about Yugi. He's acting more weird every day but it happens more when I'm talking to Pegasus. If I could I wouldn't have anything to do with him but with this job I need to stay in contact.

"Come in!"we heard and I opened the door. A man was sitting down behind a desk and I think? I women was standing with him? "Welcome to Duel Academy! You must be the people who will be helping with teaching?"

He seems so bright and cheerful. Thank Ra it wasn't a grouchy person. "My name is Yami and everyone is Tea, Joey, Seto, Duke, Mai, Serenity and Yugi. We're very happy to be here," I said and everyone introduced themselves. 

"You all seem like a lovely bunch of people. I'm about to head down to the arena because it's some of the new students first day, so I wanna go and introduce them to the Academy. Would you like to come with me?" he asked.

We all agreed to go with him and we headed out, with Shepard leading the way. I wonder if that student I bumped into is here? "Hey Yami can I have a word with you for a minute darling?" Mai asked and I slowed down to her, since she was at the back. "I've noticed little Yugi has been upset recently, have you two had an argument?"

"What no. We barely ever fight. I've noticed it too so I'm gonna talk to him later," I said as looking up at him. He was talking with Joey who was with Seto. Mai was satisfied with me and picked up her pace to be with Tea.

After a few minutes of walking we got to a big hall that was empty and looked like a classroom. "Now I want you guys to wait over there behind the curtain. I wanna surprise the students with yous. You know because of your states?" Shepard asked and was already pushing us to it. 

He pushed us all in and I heard the sound of the door opening and a lot of students voices.  "Welcome all to Duel Academy! Please be fast in taking your seats!" Shepard yelled and the hall soon grew quite. We peaked out and saw how many people were actually there. These are all the new students!? "First off I would like to introduce Dr Crowler, he will be one of the many teachers here!"

He? Wait a minute, is that the women I saw when we went into the office?! I could of sworn that was a female... "Also we have taken on a few new teachers that will truly shock you all. Please come out now!" Shepard yelled and we guessed that meant us. One by one everyone was called out and they left our hiding spot until it was me and Yugi. I could see him shaking a little as he gets nervous with big crowds.

"Aibou come here a minute," I said and he came close to me. Smiling at him, I grabbed his tie and brought him close to me. "Little present so you don't feel nervous." Bringing him even closer, I kissed him and could feel that he was a little surprised. 

"The finale two you should all recognised, the Kings of Games themselves...Yami Sennen and Yugi Muto!" Shepard yelled and we both left. A while back we thought it would be better if I had a different last name then Yugi so I got that changed.

The whole hall was screaming at us and I could see Yugi's face going red from embarrassment. He always gets like this when we are asked to go on stage or if we have been asked for an interview. "These lovely folk will also be your teachers for the entire time you will be for the entrance exams!" Shepard yelled and everyone screamed.

They all left the hall and we followed behind them with Shepard. They ended up at a large duelling arena and some students were already at the sides. I guess they are the students that are in the school already. Shepard led us to a seating place above the arenas so we could see all the duels, after we sat down he left to do some work in his office. One that I picked up on was a blue haired boy, he was duelling but looked scared out off of his life.

But that soon ended as he won his duel. "Poor boy, he gets stage fright," Serenity said as she held a necklace she got from Joey. Watching another duel, some kid won with using the card Ring of Destruction. Risky card that is, using it destroys whatever monster it's attached to and damages each player by that attack points.

I haven't seen that kid I bumped into yet, did he not make it or has he still to go on? "Jaden Yuki please report to exam field 4," a speaker called out. For some reason Dr Crowler appeared at the duelling field and someone else was coming up. Wait...that's the kid from before! So his name if Jaden? This might actually be an interesting job after all...

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