Chapter 38, The shadow realm....

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Mentions of blood and violence in this chapter.

*No one's POV*

As soon as Yami was able to get up on his feet he rushed to his precious and held him tightly. He scanned his body all over. No scratches, bruises or any sign of anything being put into him. It took everything in him to not break down and cry as  he felt the body heat of his lover. 

"Yami we need to help him, the real Atemu is still in there and is fighting," Yugi said while moving back. Of course, he left a soft peck to Yami's lips.  

The other wasn't too happy with the thought of trying to save him when he seems too far gone, but when his Yugi asks him for something he wouldn't say no. So, they both got up and hand in hand started to walk in the darkness.

A body was ahead lying on the floor and was getting up, Yugi saw it was Heba. He wanted to run to him and help him but if he let go of Yami's hand, he was afraid he would lose him. So they both ran to him and crouched down.

"Heba, hey come on wake up," Yugi whispered yelled as he shook him with his free hand. Heba turned around, saw Yugi and began to cry as he hugged him.

"I can't...... we can't let him loose and die Yugi...." Heba cried as he tugged at Yugi's shirt. Yami reached his free hand out to hold one of Heba's hand. The younger took it as the lovers let him cry out but they couldn't let him cry for too long.

After a while, Yugi moved the sniffling Heba from him and held his face. "We're gonna try our best to save him Heba, but you need to be with us. Alright?" Yugi asked. Heba used a hand to wipe his tears as he nodded his head and stood up. Yami held out a hand but Heba hugged himself to Yugi's free hand.

The three took off in the darkness, not having a clue on what direction they were going or where the end was. Or even is Atemu was in the same realm as them. 

After a lot of walking, Yugi thought he was seeing some figures in the distance. But it was only one, looking rather like a shadow than a person. He tugged back at the three, them not noticing ahead of them.

"What's up Aibou?" Yami asked and Yugi motioned his head forward. Yami squinted his eyes, and once he figured out what he was looking at he made sure to get in front of the look-a-likes. 

They got closer, Yami's gut feeling saying they should run until they stopped and saw the facial features of the being in front of them. 

There wasn't any. It had Atemu's figure but the face was black and it's fingers were covered in blood. 

"He was a fool, blinded by the love he had for someone who was never going to love him," it said. A voice, so deep and full of venom that Heba whimpered a little. "You, being from another world. Will bring him to his downfall."

One of it's fingers were pointing to behind Yugi and at Heba.

"He hasn't done anything wrong, all he has done is try to hel-"

"He has fed his disillusion which has made him weak. And now, I will end any chances he has of ruining my plans."

The creature turned around, and it had a black face with red eyes and a mouth that had the widest grin.

"You two run!!!" Yami blurted out before the creature jumped at them. Yami got in front, taking the blow as the creature wrapped his fingers around his throat already making a blue purplish mark on his neck.

Yugi was about to yell at him, but the look in his eyes made him swallow any words he had as he turned heel dragging Heba with him taking a different turn in the way they first came. 

The screams of his lover made his heart twist not knowing what was going on, but it made his body move faster. But, they were smacked with something that sent them flying to the ground. Yugi held his hand out, a invisible wall. 

"Y-Yugi....I hurt m-my foot..." Heba mumbled as he tried to get up but feel back. Yugi ran to his side and threw one his arms above him. But when they turned, that thing was behind them with a hand behind it's back. 

"Mmmmh I would have had some flesh if I knew it tasted this good before~" it sung as it wiped it lips with it's free hand. "Can I have some of you?"

"What in Ra's name are you taking about?" Yugi asked making Heba hide behind him. 

The creature grinned moving it's hand behind it's back to view.

Yugi's eyes popped out of his skull and his heart dropped. The thing, it had two fingers in it's grip covered in blood.

"He may have a hard time playing piano now, well that's if you ever make it out of here," it said dropping them on the ground.

Yugi didn't think when he lunged forward for the thing, only to have two feet on his gut and flung through the air. He landed on his back, the wind knocked from him as the creature climbed on him. A punch was thrown, making Yugi cough and try to fight the thing.

Heba jumped on it's back, biting into it's shoulder making it cry out for a second. But it smiled as it slammed him against the wall. Again, and again before he let go. The thing drove it's elbow to Heba's head, making him slam to the ground with his eyes closed. 

Yugi was terrified, not for himself but his loved ones. What happened to Yami, is he still alive? What's the damage done to Heba? Would they actually get out there alive?

He thoughts were stopped when he felt his legs being pulled away from Heba. He clawed at the ground, his nails being worn away as he was flipped over to lie on his back. 

"I will admit, you had a cute face to ya. It's a shame that none of you will leave here alive," it said making a knife appear in it's hand out of the blue. "Goodbye, Yugi Muto."

Yugi closed his eyes, clutching his fists finally letting a tear slip. But no contact was made, he didn't feel stabbed. 

Opening his eyes, he saw that the creature was gasping for air as the knife it had was in it's chest.

"You will never, touch them again," someone said as the creature fell to his knees. 

So, I have managed to finally got to updating this. 

The shadow realm, really has done a number on our boys and there is quite a few questions to be asked. All, well maybe some. Will be answered next chapter.

I hope you guys liked this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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