How It Happend

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How did my end come quicker than everyone else's? Well it was just all one big accident, I think. When I woke up I was in the strangest place... I was on a boat? The last thing I remember was walking to Jeanna's when a car come speeding out of no where and in that moment I thought to myself, this is how it ends. I'm wearing all white and there is another girl in the bed next to me, I sat up and the girl said
"could you be any noisier?"
"Sorry my name is Elena."
"Somewhat nice to meet you Elena I'm    Thea." I stood up and walked around. " So where are we?" I said quietly. " Beats me." Thea responds. Then over the loud speaker it says... Can Elena Marie please come to the OD. I asked " what's the od?" " the observation deck, your going to see your own funeral." " MY WHAT?!?" " "Your funeral... your dead." In my head I thought how could she be so calm while telling me I'm about to go to my own funeral? I walked up to the Od and thought wait I know you. " I know you to.. your dead? How did you die?" Mystery person says. " I died from a car accident. How did you die?" "Let's just say what it was a terrible way to go. I died from......"

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