chp1 poem

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great . Why where we put here , No one knows . So while you ponder why the Fuck someone is here or why we exist . You'll be damn'd if you won't be sad , terrified, or even excited. One day it's all gonna be gone , so yea think about why the Fuck we're here . While your Christian parents say God's gonna protect you , we all know deep inside ,we're fucking scared. God won't protect you . Ever thought about what we did to this earth ? I bet you didn't. While we're gonna end up killing our selfs either it being the way we treat this fucked up ball we call earth , or you could yourself 2 slits on the wrist . Or you gonna be one of the people who denies that life isn't shit and we've fucked it up ? Either way , we're here and sooner or later we're gonna have to find a place to fit right in . But yet here I am living the "emo" life right ?as I speak to you in such ways to make you think that we're worthless. Don't take everything I say to heart Rachel (being me) is just gonna Fuck you over with so stupid shit.

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