Meeting An Angel

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(Emily's POV)
I can't believe that Max didn't wake me up when I told him to do so. He knows i have to wake up at seven get ready, go to work, and get everything ready for my course . I woke up, went straight to the bathroom. It was already 7, my first class is at 8:30. I took a quick shower, did my hair and my makeup, and putted some clothes on. Being single sometimes it's kinda bad, because right now I wish I had someone to make me breakfast. I went to the kitchen to find my best friend on the couch naked with a girl next to him.
      "Max" I said. No answer
   "MAXXX !!!! Are you dead ?" I screamed this time.
He jumped and said. " I didn't do it" which made me laugh even though I was mad at him right now.
      "Max I hate you, you know that ?" He was looking around like a lost kid, and realized that he threw the poor girl on the floor.
  "Dude what is wrong with you ?" I asked, you can't just go around , get drunk and take some random girl and bring her home.
    "Lily, I'm sorry." He said, while he was looking for his clothes. "Ey you" he said throwing the girl's clothes at her. "It's time to leave."
    "Max,we'll talk about this tonight." I grabbed my peanut butter sandwiches that I just made, an apple juice then left.
I hate when is acting so childish, sometimes I regret that I accepted him as my roommate, but we're buddies since high school, I can't let him suffer. When he lost his mom who was his last parent, he needed someone to hold him down, what I did.
"Thank God" I arrived just on time at the college where I'm teaching French.
   "Emily dear" I looked up and saw Miss Peterson one of the Spanish teacher waving at me.
Grrr that lady always wants to talk at the wrong time. "Well, hello Mrs Peterson" I say back with a fake smile.
  "Dear, I am so happy to see you . How was you fall break?"
I wanted so bad to tell her that I got drunk with my best friend, fuck with a guy The same night i met him. Went to the club, flirt, fuck with people I don't know and watch series . But noo, they all think that I am a Nice-Sweetheart 25 years old young lady (That's what they call me sometimes) and I wanted to keep it that way.
" Nothing Miss Peterson, I visited some family" I lied.
" Ohh, that's wonderful . Me too I am had fun , I adopted another cat. His name is Pepper, because he's black. And ... "
" Miss Peterson I wish I could stay longer, but I really need to go. My first class is in 10mn, I reallyyy need to go" I walk away while saying that.
"Ohw oky dearie, see you later then. I will show you some pictures of him. He's the cutest."
"Of course, I will be happy to see them ." Like I have time for that. "Bye."
I love animals, but damn it. The lady has 10 cats already, and I know damn well when she starts talking about them she doesn't stop. "That's what you got from being a virgin at 37." I said to myself laughing . I went to my office. Picked up the papers I will need for my first class, and run to the building L. I checked my schedule once again, L-286. Hmmm, almost there. 82.... 84.... and yes 286!!! I stop in front of the door. God I hope the day go smoother.

(Angelic's POV)
I woke up early this morning, thanks to my twin sister who does NOT know how to keep her volume down. Ughh, that girl is just a pain in the butt. Specially MINE. Thank God we got separate rooms one year ago, cause I had enough of her for these 20 past years. I check my phone, it was 6:50 get on Snapchat to see how many views my last video has. I posted some videos and pictures last nigh. I went to the Club last night, and it was littt.
"Angel, are you awake?" My sister asked at the door.
"No Angelina, I'm still sleeping." I answered with a sarcastic tone.
She enters into my room, " Really funny, now you tell jokes? Since when ?"
" It will be nice if you knock bef.... OH GOD, Angi you're 21, you can't walk around naked like this put some clothes on for Christ Sake."
" Lil Sis, be cool. I just took a shower, and came here to pick something to put on. Mike is driving me to school, I want to look yummy since it's the first day." She was already in my closet.
" First of all, you came out like 3mns before me. And secondly you could have bought your car by now if you had listened to me" I sighed and left bed. I totally forgot about school. " Ma'am please you need to buy your own shit cause when you borrow things I can't find them after"
" Yeah yeah lil sis, whatever !" She took a short Skirt, a Blouse and left.
" You're welcome " I screamed still with the sarcastic tone. I went to the bathroom took a shower. Put some clothes on. No makeup, just some Lipgloss. Take my bag, check the schedule I made with my counselor. "Hmmm, L-286 French 8:30 , Professor Emily Jose. Weird Name, Definitely some old Lady with glasses." I laughed, because I'm the one who asked for Female teachers only. I'm lesbian,I ain't gonna spend six months listening to no man. "Anyway women are like wine, the older the better." My sister who was passing in front of my door said " you are totally crazy, I can't believe you would do that with a old woman" I was laughing so hard, but she was serious. I left my room came to her and said " Pussy is pussy, a cat and a Lion are different but they are both felines" she laughed and we went downstairs. Mom made breakfast and left for work already. She's the best. I ate and left "it's 7:56, I got this." After 30mn, I was already at the college. First day of school, so damn hard to find a spot to park. "I give them one month" by the end of the semester only half on them will still come. All right now let's look for the L building, and find that class.

Emily's POV
I walk in with a big smile,
"Bonjour Classe" I say some of them answered other was just looking at me.
"My Name is Emily Jose, I will be teaching you French this semester. Do not be afraid, we are going to do our best to make this a fun adventure... " thank God they were listening. That's a Good sign. " I emailed everyone about the book last week, you don't need to buy any, I'll make copies for the lessons. Now I'm going to ask you to stand up, and..." Someone opened the door, I turned to see a Girl with short natural hair like me standing there staring at me.
"Bonjour" I said "May I help you ?"
"Yes, I'm here for the French course I got lost on my way but I still think I'm in the wrong class " She was speaking with confidence, and was a really beautiful girl. "Why do you think it's the wrong class tell me ?" She smiled at me and said " you are too hot, I was expecting to see some old lady with thick glasees."
Everyone was laughing, and I smiled. "It is indeed the French class, and if you give me your name I can check for you just to prove you that I'm your teacher this semester" I said taking the list from my desk where I was putting my folders. "My name is Angelica Sanders"
"Hmmm, yes Miss Sanders. You can take a seat you are in the right class " she smiled and said thank you. But before she put down her bag she looked me into my eyes and said "You can Call me ANGEL." At that moment I knew that she will be trouble.

Hi everybody. I'm used to write poetry but This is something I've been working on lately, I'll post a couple of chapters if you guys find it interesting let me know and I'll be glad to publish all of it. XOXO


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