Once Upon a Time

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Once upon a time there was a little fairy
Born of happiness and peace
Given a gift
A loving family
And a village that seemed all the more happy
She'd fly with the people she loved
And giggle
While her the ones she loved hid her from what was inside her.

One day,
A man came to see this hidden gem
She gleefully accepted
But her family denied him.
They told him she was just a normal little fairy
A child nothing more.
Annoyed at this response the man grinned and said once more

"Show me and you won't regret your future"

In fear,
the family kept the charade and scurried off,
Not seeing the twisted grin on the Viper's mouth

2 days later
In the middle of the night,
Screams ran rampant throughout the house
The family ran out to see hordes of men
ALL of their kin
As they looked to the scene and pushed the children behind them,
The Viper's eyes locked onto their faces
With a deadly grin he pointed to the family,
And the men began running off
Trying to grab them

In a hurry,
the family tried to fly off,
Grabbing their little children and scurrying off
Sadly to say, they weren't able to get away,
And they were thrown to the ground and separated apart

As they dragged the special fairy away from her

and Younger Sister,

She saw the terror in their eyes flicker.

"My dear little fairy, show me your power or else I'll be forced to make you give me what I desire."

Clueless to what he meant ]
the child said

"I can't."

He snarled
Put his hand up
And waved his hand once
And to the little fairy's horror,
Was forced to watch as her father was tortured.

He repeated his question countless times and each time she could not he would hurt him WORSE than the previous time

When the father was
His wings torn from his back,
he moved on to the Mother
And finally the Little Sister,
not even 3 years old at that.

The little fairy,
She had no clue for what he wanted.

Faning pity and grievance for the child,
He let her sister go,
Only to SHOOT her through her stomach

The child
stared in disbelief,
As her Little Sister fell onto her knees
With a gaping hole in her stomach,
She held her sister's hand
Who had no clue of what had just happened
As her eyes became lifeless,
her body cold,
and her blood flowed continuously onto her older sister
Something SNAPPED in her.
The little fairy,
after losing ALL she loved,
Lowered her head
Not saying a word

The Viper
Grabbed the fairy roughly

"Now you'll tell me what I want to know or so help me-"

Before he continued he noticed something strange
Her aura seemed different
IT seemed
In a split second her heart turned black
And in another, she went on a Demonic attack
Tearing all those apart
Who took the ones she loved away without a care or a heart.

When the ground was soaked in RED, she looked into the Viper's eyes

He screeched and begged for her to be merciful and let him free
But all she did was grin and sent him to hell
She RIPPED his heart out with one blood curdling blow
And watched as his golden eyes lost their glow.
After the event that had occurred,
She fell to her knees and stared at the decimation before her
No feeling could be seen left in her
Not even a sliver of sadness or anger

Even though she had avenged the ones she loved
She had NO ONE
HER wings turned as black as her now still heart
And a monster had been released from within her

"IT is all your fault" screamed inside.

"It is all your fault monster"

"All YOUR fault everyone had died"

Wanting to be with the ones she loved
Her accursed blood forbade it
Forcing her to live her life as the last of her kind
A blackened little fairy
Not ever again able to see the light

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