It's Good To See You Again

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Celty's POV

It was 12pm when I got up from bed, and noticed (Y/N) had already left. 'She should have woke me up if she was leaving.' I sat in the shower thinking of (Y/N) and how excited she was to see me. It was adorable. Like a little kid seeing her dog after summer camp.


Ding Ding Ding

The doorbell chimed. I had just gotten back from picking up Izaya's package he wanted and had been waiting for (Y/N) to come. It had been years since I had last seen her, and during then was a really hard time... for the both of us. The minute I found out she was moving here, I just couldn't help but be happy, to the point where Shinra had to sit me down and stop pacing in the living room. So, when that doorbell rang, I couldn't help but shoot up and run over to the door, heart pounding as fast as possible. "Celty? Are you there? Damn... I hope I didn't go to the wrong place again..." I could hear a voice say from the other side. I swung the door open and was met with a pair of startled (E/C) eyes. She stared at me for a cool minute, a silence in the air filling the space between us, then out of nowhere, "CELTY!!!!" she screamed at the top of her lungs and bear hugged me. If I had my head, I would be smiling like a clown. I hugged her and she let go, looking at "me" and gripping my shoulders. "Oh thank god! I thought I got the wrong place again! Loving the biker outfit~" she grinned. I took out my phone and began to type. I missed you too (Y/N). I handed her the phone and she read it out loud, then gave me a stare of confusion. "Uh... why are you texting it out? Just tell me. What the hell..." she said patting my head. "You know I can hear you just fine." I face palmed my helmet. "Sorry... it's been awhile since anyone could hear me... not like anyone could around here... well except you of course." I sighed. She laughed and stretched her arms out. "Of course I'm the exception. I'm not normal!" she groaned and slouched. "So... you gonna invite me in or we gonna talk out here?" she hinted with her oh so friendly smile. "Yeah. Sorry. Come on in." "Don't mind if I do!" she laughed and entered immediately going towards the couch and making herself at home.

10 minutes

"So... How ya been?" echoed throughout the room. I sat there fidgeting and just "staring" at (Y/N), barely able to believe she was here today. "Um.. Earth to Celty~ Anybody there~?" she called out again, pulling me out of my trance. "What?" "I said how've you been?" (Y/N) chuckled as she slouched back into the couch. "I've been okay. Been very busy with everything that's been going on lately. That's Ikebukuro for you." (Y/N) smiled at my response then sat up. "...and how about your head? Any... leads yet?" I paused for a moment and shook my head 'no.' It's a question I knew was coming, but still.... It's hard to talk about something that you know is so close to you that you can feel it in your bones, yet you still can't find that very thing. "I... Why is it I can feel it is so close. I get visions of what it sees... but why can't I find it?" I squeaked out. I could feel my hands squeezing together, trying not to tremble. Suddenly I felt warmth envelop my hands. "Celty... you know you're not alone right?" I look up to see (Y/N) smiling warmly to me. "I mean the fact you have a lead, it'll help with finding where 'You' are. Plus now that I'm here you have another person to help you." she smiled. I felt my hands stop shaking and "looked" her in the eyes. "...Plus you have Dr. Frankenstein- Where is that psycho anyways?" she said. I laughed a bit noticing her nervousness, "He's out on a job right now. Won't be home til tomorrow." You could see her shoulders lose its tensity and her relax, letting go of my hands and slouching on the couch in relief. "Thank god. I don't want to deal with another one of his "Check ups."" she cringed, remembering back then when Shinra would... 'Examine' her. "I'm not a f*cking lab rat... damn psycho..." she spat. "If I recall you're the one who said you didn't give a 'rats ass.'" "Yeah! But during then I didn't know he was going to open me up like a sack of meat!!!" she screamed.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2017 ⏰

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