BOOM! Headshot

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(Y/N)'s POV

                      I walk into the new found city I will be in...well at least for now. I breathed in the air and took in the scenery. 'Different from the usual, but I guess I'll get used to it.' I thought happily. I walked with my dufflebag over my shoulder and turned corner after corner in the bustling city, taking in every detail. Thousands of people or all ages and looks, neon signs that could only glimmer dimly in the sunlight, shops filled with all kinds of trial keys and flyers hung up in every which way had filled my vision as i came to a crowded intersection. Just as I was about to cross the street, I had a weird feeling, almost like a premonition to step back. The minute I did, a trash can came flying through the air at full force. I stared in surprise as I tried to figure out how the HELL a trashcan flew like a football through the damn air. When I came to it, I looked for the perpetrator, to see a fuming blonde with sunglasses, and a roughed up bartenders uniform. I was about to say something when he screamed through the streets. "IZAYA GET YOUR ASS BACK OVER HERE YOU LIL SHIT!!! IMA KILL YOU!!! YOU DAMN PARASITE" he hollered. "Oh come on Shizuo~ I just wanted to come see you~" a voice cooed. I looked over to its owner to see another man: Sly, cat-like eyes, black shirt, short black hair, a mischievous smirk, and a brown jacket THAT'S hood was rimmed with fur. 

                  As I stared and analyzed the guy, he came running over to the Shizuo person with a pocket knife in hand. "I TOLD YOU TO STAY OUT OF MY CITY!!! I'M GONNA KILL YOU YA WEASEL!!!" the blonde echoed as he ripped a sign out from the cemented ground. At this point I was annoyed as hell. Not only are they wreaking havoc in the streets, but also endangering bystanders... AND MY VIEW!!! As they ran at each other to hit once again, my anger fumed, and in a split second I took my dufflebag and swatted it at both of them, knocking the man Izaya on the head harshly, and smacking the blonde right in the face, knocking him down as well. They both held either their face or head in shock as I glared at the both of them. "You dumbasses are causing a mess in the street!!!" I growled. That's when the two of them looked towards me in shock. "IF YOU BRATS WANT TO FIGHT AND FUCK WITH EACH OTHER, DO IT SOMEWHERE ELSE WITH LESS PEOPLE, YOU FUCKING MORONS!!!" I spat, making the both of them flinch a bit. I glared at the two, then put my dufflebag right back on my shoulder and began walking away. "If I see the two of you fighting and interrupting my day again... I will beat you into next year." I hissed and continued on my way, mumbling and cursing under my breath, all the way to my new apartment and to meet my friend Celty after so long.

~20 minutes later~

               After 20 minutes of scowering the streets and getting lost for what seemed like forever, I had finally made it to my new apartment, only to find a note on my door. 

Welcome to the neighborhood ^-^ 

                I smiled and shoved the paper in my pocket as I went inside. However, the minute I entered, all I could do was stare in awe, mouth hanging open as I saw how huge the place was. "Woah..." I said as I looked ovr the whole place. "THIS IS INCREDIBLE!" I threw my shoes and duflebag off and ran around the place, running up the strairs to see the bedroom and bathroom, then downstairs to see the kitchen, guest room, and finally back to the living room. I laid on the wooden flooring, smiling to myself and letting the silence of the empty room engulf me. 'So Peaceful.' I thought to myself as I closed my eyes. 


              Suddenly a bout of laughter rang out and made me shoot my eyes open in surprise. "What the hell was that?" I sat up, scratching my head as I turned to the source, figuring it came from the apartment next door. 'What the hell could be so damn funny? Damn thin walls...' I sighed and got up. "I better get over to Celty's before she goes searching for me." I sighed to myself, as I grabbed my phone and started off, looking back at my apartment before locking it up, hoping I can get to her place without getting lost this time. 

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