The beginning

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"Mark they have my arm! They have my arm!" Jack shrieked and screamed as a zombie bit into his left arm and tried to grab at his head, leaving bloody finger and hand marks on Jacks face.
Jack swung at the zombie with his baseball bat and cracked its head open with a yellow goo leaking out that smelled and made Jack badly gag. He lifted his shirt to his nose with the smell burning his nostrils.
"Oh hohoho that smells nasty" He had no time to be sick right now with the amount of zombies.
Mark was temporarily distracted by the site of Jacks chest but he looked away and got back to fighting his hoard of zombies. They drooled and their eyes glow yellow that haunts you in your sleep. Their skin breaks of easily and their limbs fall apart easily.
One after another they attacked Jack repeatedly, more and more kept coming around the corner from both sides of Jack.
The bite wound on his arms was sticky with his blood and the zombies saliva. The saliva stung in the wound, making him wince with every movement he made. There became to many and Jack knew he would lose, he looked for Mark but couldn't see him and kept fighting. Zombies grabbed at him trying to pull him down to the ground. "Hey this isn't WWE!" He yelled and smashed the zombie on the top of its skull that made the smell worse. He gagged completely then spotted Mark.
Mark was too far away to help him, he was occupied with his own zombies and unable to do anything but fight his own off. Jack continued to fight them, they just kept coming wave after wave. He didn't have time to finish one wave before the next came. The zombies groaned and roared in his face with a nasty breath.
"Oh god, ever heard of mouth wash buddy?" Jack asked the zombie. In response the zombie smashed at the ground... Jack realized who/ what it was.
The Zombie King
"Help! Help me!" Jack screamed in horror as every zombies turned on him and ran in his direction. There were to many for him to fight off with only his baseball bat. When he managed to land swings into zombie jaws.
"Fook you and Fook you and SCREW YOU BILLY!" Jack yelled smashing the zombies skulls and trying to give Mark an indicator of where he was. He couldn't see what he was doing with all the zombies on him, grabbing at him shredding his clothes. The zombie king had disappeared but the zombie army had increased in size.
"Mark! Mark" he exhaled then inhaled "ZOMBIE KING!!!" Jack broke into a sprint when he found a clearing through the zombies and stumbled a few times but not falling. The entire hoard of zombies ran after Jack, including the ones Mark had just been trying to fend off.

"Zombie king? Here?" Mark questioned in disbelief. Mark ran after them as they chased Jack who was in a full speed sprint, watching as the caught up to Jack and surrounded him. They tackled and dragged Jack down by his ankles and nipped at him. Jack landed with a thud and a groan that let Mark know he was winded from the fall. Sucking in breaths.

"Jack! Ngah, Jack!" Mark pushed through the zombies and killed a few with his machete. Jacks screams and yells for help and mercy shattered the air. The zombies groaned and gurgled, the sounds rising to join in Jacks commotion in the sky. Jack kept screaming. Every so often Mark could hear a zombie bite into Jacks flesh with a squelch and an outcry from Jack.

"Jack! Im so sorry! Im trying!"Mark cried hearing his closest friend hurt, he fought his way through. But still none of them tried to face him. They just kept reforming a barrier around Jack and bitting him.
"Jack, hang in there Im coming!" Mark yelled into the crowd hoping he would hear him. Jack tried to claw away in Marks direction for help, but instead had the hoard grabbing at him and tearing his clothes. Dragging him back by his ankles. Jack screamed in pain as one bit deep into his shoulder, taking a chunk of skin with it.
"SON OF A BITCH!" Jack yelled and punched the zombie in the jaw.

"Jaaaaack! Nooooo!" Mark yelled and tears leaked from his eyes as he charged into the zombie hoard, they collapsed in front of him as he decapitated their heads cleanly with his machete. Jack continued kicking them off himself from the ground, they wouldn't let him stand up. He kicked and squirmed for dear life on his back. His baseball bat taking some blows from the zombies.
They bit all over his body but not at his head. He didn't allow them to get that close.
Jacks body became limp with exhaustion, the adrenaline from the panic he had before drained from him. Jack held tightly with white knuckles to his baseball bat as the zombies yanked it free from his grip and threw it away in Marks direction. Mark dodged it and caught a glimpse of  Jack. He was white and pale in horror and his eyes wide as he saw Mark.

Slowly drifting (Mark x Jack)Where stories live. Discover now