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Matt's POV

I woke up to the sound a flash I shook it of as thinking it was something from outside and turned my body to the other side of the couch and tried to sleep again

"Matt, Nate wake up, We- we have to go to change plans since it started snowing. we're going to a cosplay place, which is really suiting for your looks" they said to me as he pulled me up carefully

"wheeeeereeee?" Nate groaned/Yawned to Yukoshi

"Hentai Haven" Sotamaki said sarcastically

"Wait what?" Nate said, now on full alert mode on what Sotamaki had said

"I was kidding, we're going to Gekkō masuku , You know only the biggest private cosplay modeling that gave us an invitation this Fuyu no shiroi kāpetto with your Idols and mine, but it will be a surprise to you so get the fuck up" Sotamaki laughed to us

"Okay,Okay but do we need to get cosplaying material?"Nate and me asked

"I could give you a mew Ichigo costume and a costume for Light sooo yeah get up " Yukoshi said ushering us out of the sofa and out of the house

"Could you repeat what you said?" I asked not believing what he said

"Get the fuck up?"

"No, no, no before that"

"The mew ichigo shit?"

"Yeah, isn't mew ichigo that girl from and old anime?" I asked not really up to wear something like that

"Yeah, you two" he said pointing to both of us "will have to cosplay three times we have to cosplay as well" he said

*Gekkō masuku*

"Matt you ready?" He asked as he adjusted my wig

"Well I can't say I'm not can't I?" I laughed nervously and pulled down at the dress more

"Well good luck then" he smiled at me and left me there

A/N Yes this sneak peek is a filler cause I am so brain dead because of school the past months I am so sorry for not updating lately love you guys stay alive, and vote on this shitty book if you actually like it

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2018 ⏰

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