chapter one

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"Is there anything we can do?" Leo asked, tears forming in his eyes. His dog, Lola, had fallen sick and most likely wouldn't be cured by Sunday.

This was a problem, since he had to go to a ginormous furry orgy in a sex dungeon in the centre of Newcastle and all his friends had been waiting to see Lola there. If she went sick, all the furries would catch STDs and probs die.

The vet sighed, "I'm sorry, Leo, but I'm afraid that's not possible. You can't keep feeding your dog glass, it's not good for her, you should know that, ya cunt!" Vet slapped him playfully on the shoulder and he sniffed.

Lola looked up at him desperately, "Please!"
"Not yet, Lowy, but soon. I'm afraid you can't come to the ginormous furry sex dungeon orgy anymore." Leo sobbed quietly.

Suddenly a door flew open.
"Skrrr! Hello! I am Maisie! The best vet in Southampton!"

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