Battle of Districts (Day 2, Part 2)

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As the sun had already rised up, District 12, 10, 7, and 4 went back to Kuriro and Rose and took care of Arata, but they couldn't bring him back to life becaise of the rules made in the hunger games..

After they buried the corpse of Arata, a cannon shot was heard from a distance, dedicated for Arata...

Akita sees Rose crying, as she walks closer to her to give comfort

Akita: I'm sorry for your loss..

Rose: ..that damn president.. I'LL KILL HER FOR WHAT SHE HAS DONE TO ARATA!

Zero heard Rose's shout, running to her and covering her mouth

Zero: C-Calm down..! They'll find us here..

Rose: Right.. Sorry..

A while of silence for the others.. Footsteps are heard at the bushes

Kade: Welp.. Here comes another attacker.. Ready your weapons.

Akita: Uh.. Morely we might wanna run..

All except Akita: Why?

Akita points what's behind them, and it seems to be.. Figlio

Figlio: Who's ready to play *killer smile*

Everybody screams, running away while separating each other to different running directions

Figlio followed where Rose and Akita are running

While Akita separated herself from Rose, she bumped onto Speedy as they both fell down

Akita: Ow..

Speedy seeing Akita, she immediately grabed her dagger and almost killed her



Akita shows her hidden pendant to Speedy

Seeing this, she gasps, lets go of her dagger, and just stares at the pendant

Speedy: The Two-Sided heart pendant.. So you truly are Akita..

Akita: Please.. Tell me where should I stay..

Speedy: Follow me, I'll bring you to the others first.

Speedy and Akita go deep into the forest, while on the other hand, Figlio, watching Akita from afar

Figlio: We're still not done yet, Akita..

Figlio keeps on following Akita, waiting for the right moment for him to strike

(Meanwhile with District 4)

Kuriro: Uh Neketo? Where the hell are we?

They both looked around

Neketo: Hm... I see.. Trees.

Kuriro: Of course.. (-_-)

After a while of walking in the forest.. They heard a scream that sounded like..

Neketo and Kuriro: AKITA!

While Neketo and Kuriro are running to the site where the scream was heard, they bumped into Rose

Rose: Guys!

Kuriro: Rose! Where's Akita?!

Rose: I don't know, but we got separated while running!

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