Chapter 11

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"So you really like my sister, don't you?" I ask Andy and his face lights up.

"After Juliet and I broke up, I was broken, I wanted to be like Ashley. So he went and picked up a hooker for me. Her eyes entranced me and we ended up just sleeping. Then she sang, her voice like an angel. We knew we couldn't let her leave and go back to that so we talked to John. We offered her a place and some studio time. Ever since I had noticed her eyes I was entranced by her. She was singing again and she met my eyes. I knew what she was thinking and I kissed her. We've been together since. I think I'm falling in love with her." Andy wasn't even looking at me anymore.

I gripped each side of his head. It was time to activate him. To bring back his memories. When an angel has fallen, the angel loses it's memories of heaven until it has located it's mate. Kelli is Andy's mate. A light flashes and his light blue eyes darken to a sapphire blue.

"Andrew," I say quietly. He will have memories of his mortal life and angel life.

"Christoph, thank you. Kelli is my mate?" His eyes darken slightly. I nod.

In Darkness There Is Light(Bvb Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora