Chapter 1

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When she was fighting the Demogorgon, I knew that something would happen, and 5 minutes later she was gone. Then Dustin and Lucas tried to make me feel better, but every time that we played D & D I remembered her, every time that we ate Eggos at breakfast I remembered her.

Then the theme about Will was forgotten. But after school , when i was alone , I sat in the bed that I did to her, with my walkie-talkie and try to communicate with her. I did that 1 year. In the last Christmas, I put some Eggos there , but my mom said that they are gonna smell bad, so she cleaned it. In new year stayed there. And I kept it a secret. Today I'm gonna do the same.  When I was going to school , I saw the poster of the snowball , so I felted sad because I'm going to go alone to the snowball . But when the class started I saw a new girl , her name was Max . She had a long and red hair , with blue eyes . She doesn't was ugly but she also doesn't was beautiful , I just don't liked her. Her name was Max. At lunch I ate with Dustin , Will and Lucas. And we started talking about Max. 

-so... what do you think? Said Lucas.

-I think that she is cute. Answered Dustin.

-I don't know, I think that she is not my kind of person. I said.

Dustin and Lucas saw me with a weird face, like they don't was understanding me. And then Will said.

-I agree Mike. I feel that she is mad about something.

I knew it , Dustin and Lucas had a crush on Max, but that's not a big thing. After that short talk we went to class and then to our home ,But Lucas invited us to his house , I said no because I had to do "something". I just was thinking about El and the snowball, and the only thing that I knew was that she was in the upside down. Why? I don't know. 

So I sat in the basement and I started saying.

-If you are there , just please give me a sign. 

And like all the time , nothing happened. I repeated that so many times, and I heard, with a weak voice in the walkie-talkie:


I started crying. I was thinking:

Is it my imagination? Is it another person of another channel? Maybe I heard "Bike". Or maybe is Eleven.

That night I cannot sleep. I can't tell my mom, because maybe she is gonna think that I am crazy . And if I say this to the guys, they gonna think that is just because I miss El and I'm starting to imagine things. But I need someone to tell this. And I remembered that Will's mom saw the same things when Will was in the upside down. So in the night , I went to Will's house.I knocked the door and Will was there.

-Mom! Mike is here! Said Will , calling he's mom. Then he told me.

-Why are you  here ? Did you tell your mom that you are here? 

And Joyce came to the door.

-Oh , Hello Mike. You know that this is not the time for play, it's late, you should

be in your house.

-Yes ,I know but I have to talk about something.

-And why you don't talk this with your mom ?

-Because she is gonna think that I'm crazy!

-Oh , honey I understand you, come on.

We went to the living room. She told Will to go to the bed, and we was alone because Jonathan was working. We sat, and I explained her all that was happening and all that I was doing.

-So are you sure that you heard that ?

-Yes. But it was a weak voice.

-And you think that it was El.


- And you want her back or talk to her?

-I want her back but first I want to talk with her.

-Ok the first thing that you have to do is put Christmas lights in the place that you was when you made contact. Then you have to take a weapon or something to hit a monster, because we don't know if there is one there or something worst. Remember that you can't tell this to anyone , this is a secret ok? And remember that you can trust me.

-thank you, I appreciate this.

-Yeah , now go to your home, Karen must be nervous about not finding you.

-Can I go to say bye to Will?

-Yes , of course. Oh and if you need to talk with me tomorrow you can tell Will and he's gonna call me by the school's telephone.

-Thanks again. Bye.


After that I said bye to Will. And I went home. I opened the door and my mom was like crying or something and there was two guys, they looked like cops. She asked me to explain her where I was and with who. I told her that I was with Will doing a homework.

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