chapter 2

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One week later, I just put the basement like Joyce told me to do. I put some Christmas lights around El's bed , some Eggos , and I took an old chandelier to punch some monsters. My mom asked me about it but I said that I just liked how it looked. Then at the school the guys just told me that the snowball is gonna be this week, and also with who am I gonna go. 

(Dustin):So with who do you think that I am gonna go to the snowball? 

(Lucas):I don't know, maybe Max ? answered Lucas

(Dustin):how do you knew it? 

(Lucas):I dont know maybe you was talking all the time about ask her to go to the snowball yesterday?!

  (Dustin): I asked Steve to how to ask her, and he said that I maybe go buy some red roses.

(Lucas):Dustin I was gonna ask her to go with me!

  (Dustin):Sorry... But I did it first.And you know the rules.But anyways , don't worry. she said no because she wanted to go with someone else. and i said that ''he'' was Lucas , and guess what, she just turned red. now i feel like trush.

Mike: well, you guys at least you have someone to go with.

Will: I am not feeling very well. I have visions from the uside down and I saw something in the sky.

Dustin:what it was?

Will: Like a...octopus with the head of an alien.and there was a storm. The sky was red.

Lucas: Yeah... listen,I am enjoying listening to you but my girl is waiting me. So bye and don't wish me good luck because I already got it.

Mike: Bye. And if you don't know this, she's not already your girl.

Dustin: omg. He's right. but let Will finish.

Will:Thanks Dustin,So that's what I'm feeling and sometimes I just feel like I'm still sleeping.

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