Chapter 3: In The Eyes Of Shino Asada

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"Sinon, you alright?" Kirito asked. Kirito's ALO avatar was a sprigint fairy with black hair and dark eyes. He wore a black cloak with some grey details on it, and on his back was a black sword. He was one of the most skilled players in their group, along with Asuna, who's avatar basically looked like her only with blue hair and eyes.

"Huh? Oh, yeah I'm fine." Shino said. Sinon was her handle in ALO as well as GGO. All day she couldn't help but think about Kenpachi. "It's just that I met someone after a long time of them being gone." Liz had heard what Kirito and Shino were talking about. "Yeah, there's been alot of people mysteriously reappearing after they went missing six years ago, but even more people are still missing" Liz added. Liz had an avatar that basically looked like herself, since it was her SAO avatar that was transferred to ALO, only she had pink hair instead of her usual brunette hair. "That does seem odd" Kirito pondered. "What could have happened to them all?"

It was then that Asuna decided to chime in. " My adopted brother went missing six years ago." She said sadly. "Do you think maybe these disappearances are connected somehow?" Kirito looked uneasy. "It just keeps reminding me of SAO the more I think about it" he claimed. "You don't think they went through something like that, do you?" asked Asuna.

"It's possible" he said. "I mean it is pretty odd that a bunch of people went missing at the same time." "I just can't imagine my brother going through anything like that" Asuna said.

"I think I heard some kind of explanation about it on the news six years ago, " Leafa commented as she had just logged in. "But it was so long of a while ago that I can't remember" she finished. Leafa, a.k.a Suguha, her real name, had an avatar who was blonde with green eyes and wore green and white attire . Kirito then suggested they should drop the conversation, since it was making everybody uneasy, which they all agreed.

Shino was now more worried about Kenny, wondering more and more what happened to him while he was gone. "I'm gonna log out. I need to get some sleep, so I can be ready for the B.o.B" she said. "I thought you were done with Gun Gale" Kirito replied. "No, I wasn't done with it, more like taking a break. I still love Gun Gale, even after what's happened. The game is still something to be enjoyed." She said in response.

"Alright" Kirito said. "Just make sure you come out alright."

"I will" Shino replied. She smiled as she logged out of the game.

She opens her eyes to see her room. Shino gets up and removes the Amusphere from her head, afterwards putting it on the charger. She turns on the lights and walks into the kitchen to cook dinner for herself. The whole time she worried about Kenny, hoping he's alright. "If there was something wrong, he would have said something, right?" she said to herself. Once she finished her food and tea, she washed her dishes then went to bed. She could hardly sleep. Shino stared up at the ceiling as she lay, trying to remember some stuff from when she was ten. She enjoyed the memories she could remember of Kenny. Kenny was rather nice to her when they were little. The fact that he was back in her life was enough to keep her up, not that it was a scary or bad thing, but more that she just had a lot of questions, seeing how they haven't seen each other in six years. The questions just wouldn't leave her mind. What is he like now? More importantly, where did he REALLY run off to all these years? 

She knew better than to think he was on a six year business trip with his dad. So where did he REALLY go? And thanks to Kirito and the others she wondered if he was among the weird disappearances six years ago. But she told herself to worry about it tomorrow and finally went to bed.

The next morning Shino went to school. She saw Kenny there, and she would blush just about every time he would look at her. She stared out of the window of class that day when suddenly she just thought of when Kenny called her Ms. Asada. Despite her opinion about it when she was ten, she wished he would call her that all the time. Then it happened.

Her thoughts became even more extreme when she suddenly fantasized about Kenny calling her Ms. Asada while kissing her. She shook her head trying to rid herself of the thought. Her and Kenny together? Ridiculous, she thought. But that didn't stop her from wanting it.

She tried to ask Kenny if something was bothering him, but he just kept replying with "I'm fine" or "there's nothing to worry about". She grew a little more worried for him by the time they walked home together.

"Are you sure you're okay?" she asked. "I'm fine," he replied "You've been asking all day." she blushed once she realized the level of concern she had. "S-sorry" she said. "It's fine. I think it's kinda cute that you worry about me." he told her. This was enough to make her face a maroon red, all because it got her embarrassed. "I-I'M NOT CUTE!" Shino said quite flustered. "Yeah, sure you aren't" Kenny said sarcastically. 

When Shino finally got home she got her Amusphere ready, since not only was it the last day to sign in for the B.o.B, but it was the first day of preliminaries, too. She put the Amusphere on her head and took a deep breath.

"Link start" she finally uttered.

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