1_The Announcement

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" and the award goes to... miss Stella Dovana"

" oh that's me. Thank you. thank you so much for all your support. Without you I could never win this trophy"

" miss stella tell us, how come you are so beautiful?"

" ohh well you know, this is from my mom and name also. After all stella means sun and what kind be more shuny than the sun. haha nothing exactly"

" stella, stella.."

" ohhh look like my audience is encouraging me. This so good, love you all"

" stella"


"stella be quick. Its 8.30"

"8.30? why is my fan telling me its 8.30?"

Well just after that realization hit me, and I must add it is the worst thing. I jumped out of bed and got in the shower faster than lightning. Well, it's just a metaphor. Don't worry Im no wonderwoman or whatsoever.

" ohh fuck I will be late"

"ohh yes you better be quick young lady. Your father is not going to wait for you all day"

Well, I felt so sorry that this wonderful dream was just a ... dream!

So, I'm stella Donovana. The queen of New York, well the queen after my bitchy step sister Lara. I live with my dad, the biggest business tycoon of the New York city , his wife and her slut daughter who was supposed to be my step sister. Eight years after the death of my mom, dad married that women, Valeria. I was not happy but I knew dad sacrificed a lot for me and waited me to be grown up enough to engage into another love story and I did not want to make her unhappy. My father always cared a lot for me but when he is on business trip I'm always left with these two bimbos, always trying to overshadow me.

I was always the queen of my locality, the most pretty, the intelligent and stylish bebe always wearing the latest Prada. Ohh, and the virgin who never dated a boy. Well yeah. Girls like me are perceived as slut. Actually they are, using their money and showing off. But it was always me and father and I never wanted anyone to get between us. But also because I've always wanted to go to Australia and I didn't want to take the risk of loving someone here.

That day I was supposed to go to the office with dad. Apparently my sister had an announcement to make, and as always demoiselle likes to show off. Actually I also had something to discuss to dad but privately.

" Miss stella goodmorning" Serge the security guard greeted me. Security guard or not, all the people working for my dad were friends, unlike my step sister who makes as if she is the owner and does her arrogant.

"Goodmorning Serge"

"Goodmornin....morning". every time I go at the office im always dearly welcomed by all the employers.

"Hello everybody , hey dad. Please excuse me for being late for this meeting". I said getting the gigantic meeting room. This room was decorated by my mom twelve years before. It has long woody brown walls, a very classical and uxurious kind. Its has golden vase at each corner, a big round table in the centre and big violin cello just to its right.

" well seeing how gorgeous you are today miss Donovana we would surely excuse you"

" Haha. Thank you George, always chivalrous I see"

" well, I don't deny mi lady". George is my dad's general manager and oldest employee in the company.

"yeah so, you all should be asking why I asked you all to come here. This is very important to me." Lara started, she had that air of arrogance and pride in her. Sometimes she just amaze me, note the sarcasm. Its been ony two years since dad married her mom and before that they were middle class people who had financial problem, now just look at her. Ahhh people!

" Yes child, continue, what's the matter?" Dad was a bit concerned.

"I wanna get married"

Wooh what? Okey? Can someone pinch me?

"WHAT?". Dad nearly shouted. He did not seem to like the surprise. I mean he is right, we don't even know the guy, she cannot just announce her marriage like that. Dad was definitely angry.

" ohh my darling im so happy fo,,"

"No we are not fucking happy". Angry Dad interrupted Valeria who was about to praise her daughter, like always. " This is not done young lady. You can't just announce your marriage like that without even letting your family know who the fucking guy is"

" what? At least I informed you. This is my life and I can do what pleases me"

" You have to obey me Lara" Dad was definitely on the nerve.

" ohh please you are my dad"

" really? This is not what you say when you need my money. And by the way with which money will you marry hein?"

" okay please calm down both of you no need to get serious on such stupid things. Love you know how these youngsters are right." Just then she took Lara by her arms and I could tell she was pinching her by the expression on Lara's face. Valeria whispered something which I unfortunately could not hear. Just after that she approached dad and announced that they will meet the guy that Lara wants to marry and will afterward decide what to do. Lara was definitely not happy. These mother daughter I don't trust them at all. I know they have their eyes on dad's money and they don't appreciate that I am the only heir of this empire but one good thing is that will not have to live with bitch Lara anymore if ever she gets married.

Hi guys. I was sitting in my room doing nothing and all suddenly this idea just popped in my mind. i started writting and it gave that.
I'll try to update the upcoming chapters as soon as possible.

It's late now. Have classes tomorrow.
Well goodnight lovelies 😘

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