The engagement party

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Next morning I woke up with the sweet smell of pancakes and croissant. Well, seems like dad is staying home today.

After few minutes I got downstairs. I didn’t feel like changing my clothes, after all it’s my father. I was in a pink silky pajama with laces on both side. I entered the living room and everybody was having breakfast, dad, Valeria, Lara and the man from yesterday. Wait, what!!

“Oh Stella it’s good that you awake. We have someone to introduce.” But at that moment I couldn’t help from glaring at that man. What was he doing at my house? What does he want, money? Or maybe that I report to the police about what he did last night!

“Meet Joshua, you future Brother in law.” What the holly fuck, this man is my sister’s lover?

“What the hell is he doing here.” At that point I was really shocked and disgusted, well he was shocked too. But I tried not to do a scandal of that. What happened yesterday remains in yesterday. After all it’s none of my business all I care about is having Lara gone.

“Oh sorry. I’m a bit shocked. I didn’t know we would have a guest or else I would never have come dressed in piji. It’s impolite from me. Please excuse me.” I tried to act like nothing happened and by the expression on his face I could tell he was not expecting that.

“Oh no it’s okey. After all we are family, right.”

“I’m family only with my dad. Please excuse me.”

I too a pancake and rushed into my room. I was fuming. I quickly dialed Cassie’s number and start telling her about my morning misadventure.

“No, you can’t keep quiet and let that pervert get into your family.

“ But I give a damn about Lara.”

“ Maybe you do about Lara but if that guy is really like he was yesterday, it means he doesn’t like your sister but maybe her money and as far as I remember it is your dad’s money.”

“Oh, seen from this angel it’s different”

Dad is throwing a party tonight to announce the engagement and  thought it will be best to inform him before the party.

“Hey Gaston, you,ve seen dad”

“He is in his office upstairs lady” Gaston is our major d’homme and mostly like my uncle. Always here when I need him.

“What happened Stella, you look anxious”

“ Oh I am anxious Gaston.”

Gaston immediately made me sit and was asking about the problem. “ That guy Lara is in love with is not who he pretends to be. He is here just for dad’s money.  He is a womanizer” and then I told him the story at the party and he also advice to inform dad.

I rushed upstairs into dad’s office and didn’t even bother to knock “ Dad I need to talk to you about Mr Joshua. He is a….”

“ Oh miss Stella, what do you to say about me? Well actually me and your father were discussing about the marriage here.” Oopss. Dad was staring at me in confusion.  I did not know what to do, either tell dad or keep quiet. But I know that dad won’t listen to me now. I will have to talk quietly to him.

“ This is between me and my father. Sorry.”

“ Oh Stella. Good you are here darling I need your help. Can you please finally the arrangements for tonight with Joshua, I have a very important call to make.”

What? No dad. No way I stay with this pervert “ okey dad.”

Dad took his mobile and left me with Joshua? I mean Joshua. Seriously, what kind of name is that?

“ Okey listen girl you better not reveal what happened last day.”

“ I better not? You are kidding me right? I was disgusted seeing you in the morning”

“ Listen don’t tell anyone or I will ruin you do you understand?”

“ Are you fucking kidding me right now? Do you know who I am you poptart?”

“ But do you who my boss is? Im the assistant of the biggest business tycoon is australis and insulting equals to insulting him, and he will not be happy with that.’

“Oh, I bet he won’t be happy either to learn that his assistant tried to molest a girl in a bar, right”

“ ,I got no time for your sarcastic replies girl, just keep quiet”

And with that he got up from his chair and vanished in the corridor.

I was really stressed as I have to do something .


I spent 4 hours on the bed observing the ceiling. The party is starting in one hour and I have to take action. And wait who does he think he is to threaten me? I’m the queen here. Its my house, my family, so who the fuck does he think he is? It’s decided, I’m gonna put him in his place.

I got into a silky dark blue dress, applied some foundation and red lipstick. I chose some black stilettos to go with it and I’m done.

The hall was well decorated in a purple and silver. Fresh bouquets were put on each table and beautiful garlands were used to decorate the walls.

I was very stressed and all I needed was some shots so that I get that stuff out of my brain. I so wished that Cassie could come but unfortunately she is not well, so I’m left all n my own.

Dad, Valeria, Lara and Joshua were talking with champagne in their hands and so was the rest of the guests. I must say I’ve always hated these kind of party. I’m more DJ like than orchestral music. Bbeerrkk.





I kept on asking the bar man to fill my glass. Alcohol was my savior right now.

Suddenly everything was blury I felt like an adrenaline rush in me and suddenly my eyes caught those blue eyes. The same blue eyes that I saw in the bar. Who was he. I mean what was he? Human. No … I think he s some kind of Greek god because fuck, that man was hot.

And suddenly I felt the alcohol take control and I directed myself towards dad and the rest.

“Yo Joshua. Haha Joshua. Who gave you that name?”

“ Stella what the hell? Are you drunk.” Kay, that was a really angry dad, but my mind seemed not to care about anything except Joshua.

“ Lara, I knew you always have bad taste in fashion but In man also  didn’t know. You know your boyfriend or whatsoever is a dick. Yeah a dick. Last night at the mansion he tr…”

“Stella what are you doing, I told you not to. My boss is here.”

“Oh your boss is here. Then let him know. Yeah I was saying, last night in the mansion that man was trying to touch me” and with that all the people were making shocked sounds. “ yeah you heard me , but I kicked him and he vanished. But I did not know that this was the man marrying my sister. Of course he also didn’t know. But just to tell you that this guy goes fucking round with a lot of girls. He uses them. And maybe he is using you too Lara.”

but suddenly I was like someone trapped my hands. I turned round to see the sexy blue eyes, which were incredibly angry.

“ Hey sexy. What’s wrong with you”

“ He is my boss.. the owner of many enterprises in Australia, the heir of the Drantz family and organizer of the miss world competition, I think you heard of that.” At that moment I felt like my world was falling apart. My dream is scattered.  That man looked incredibly angry and I knew at that moment that there is no way for me to participate in that competition.

Next thing I remember is everything is dark and hands were holding me.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2017 ⏰

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