Gone; Castle Fanfiction

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Spanish music played loudly in the background. The bodies of tourists moved with the rythm in the small cantina. A couple made their way outside.

"Wow Ellie that was quite a celebration. How about we make our way back to the hotel and celebrate some more." His words were slurred and she giggled

"You'll have to catch me first!" She ran down the road and into an alleyway before stopping and tutning around. She saw he wasnt following her "Michael?" She walked back to the road "Michael?" A figure picked her up from behind and slung her over his shoulder "Michael put me down!" She shrieked. He did as she said and planted a kiss on her lips.

"Caught you." They both let out a breathy laugh and leaned in for another kiss. A man drove up in a white van and sat there. He had a skeleton mask on. Him and three other men jumped out of the van grabbing the husband and shoved him into the back.

"No! Who are you!? You cant take him!" She beat on the mans back but he punched her sendinging her stumbling backwards. She watched as the van drove away with her husband. "Somebody Help Me Please! Somebody?! Anybody?!"


Chapter 1: Gone

"Hello miss soon to be Castle." He stared down at Beckett while she woke up.

"What do you want Castle?" She said groggily and still half asleep. This was her weekend off. All she wanted to do was sleep in.

"I was thinking that since you didnt have to go into work today or tomorrow, maybe we could take a vacation."

"Like to where?" She was sitting up now pushing her hair out of her face. "And how would we get plane tickets to anywhere this late?"

"I have my connections. And I was thinking somewhere like Paris, or even..." He was broken off by her phone ringing "How about the Precinct?" She kissed his frown away and answered the phone.

"Beckett." The person on the other end spoke a while "Alright Ryan. We'll be there."

"Dead body?"

"No" she was stunned "A kidnapping."


They came up the elevator to the twelvth precinct. Beckett spotted her partners "Espo, Ryan. What do we got?"

"A honeymoon gone wrong." Esposito said. Ryan looked at him then to Beckett and Castle.

"A Mrs. Elizabeth Anderson and her husband went down to mexico for their honeymoon. Men in a white van grabbed the husband off the side of the road and left the wife pretty beat up."

"Whats the victims name?" Beckett asked

"Michael Anderson."

"Alright so lets bring in the wife and question her."

"Um. Well we cant exactly do that. Shes refused to leave mexico until we have her husband."

"Do we have juresdiction to be down there yet?" Beckett was growing impatient. They were wasting precious hours. The vein in her forehead throbbed and she smoothed her her hair back.

"Were working on it Beckett. Calm down." Esposito triedbsoothing her.

"Who ordered me on this case? Was it Sorenson?"

"Actually No detective. I did." She turned to see her boss

"Sir? Why?"

"Because you and your team are the best of the best." She took one look around "Alright now lets figure it out and bring that man home safe and sound." Castle was the next to speak

"Well we know one thing. Whoever did it had to know they were going to be there."

"He's right guys. Alright lets get next of kin down here and get the mexican government on the phone."


Castle and Beckett were standing drinking coffee. She seemed to be thinking of who could have done it. "This is just aweful Kate. Who could've done this?"

"I dont know, butbim planning on finding out."

"I know where were not going for our honeymoon."

"Oh shut up Castle." She smiled and walked from the break room. "Espo hows that phone call going?"

"They'll let us come down but we have to follow their rules."

"Hey Beckett!" Ryan ran up to them "We have the wifes mother in the box. Her names Joann Smith. I think you should talk with her."

"Thanks Ryan" she stepped over to the glass room and opened the door.

"Hello Joann. Do you have any idea why your here?"

"No. Did something happen to my daughter." Her eyes were red as if she had been crying.

"No not that we know of at the moment. But her husband was kidnapped."

The older woman held a tissue to her eyes and wiped at forming tears "Michael? Why Michael?"

"Were not sure yet. But we need you to tell us everything you know about their friends, life, relationship." Beckett leaned foreward and gave the woman a reassuring smile.

"Well they only had a few close friends. They were afraid people wanted to use them for their money. Michael owned a country club and Elizabeth was a lawyer. They hit hard times a few weeks ago and the money just stopped. They decided to go to mexico just to get away from it all."

"Did they have any enemies?" Castle asked

"No no. They were so kind to everyone. Well, there was Michaels sister in law. His first wifes sister. When his first wife died she gave everything to Michael. The sister wasnt to happy about that. She threatened to ruin my daughter and started calling her a french floozy."

"French floozy?"

"Well a few weeks after his wife died he went to Paris. Thats where he met Elizabeth. They were married three months later."

"Alright thank you Joann. We'll need you to give us a list of their contacts, and too stay in town in case we have any more questions."

"Yeah. Sure." Castle held the door open for Beckett and widened his eyes

"Seems like love at first sight. Just like us." Beckett gaped at him for a second before continuing to her desk

"Dont you remember how much I hated you?"

"Oh that was all an act, and you know it." He gave her a smug little grin and made a kissy face

"Sure Castle whatever you think."

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