Blue Foods

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Percy: OMGs! Guys did you know that there is a Blue Fanta?!

Annabeth: How did you find out?!

Leo: Wait. There is a Blue Fanta?!

Percy: Yeah! I found it at WinnDixies this morning!

Annabeth: How many did you buy?

Percy: About 70. Why?

Annabeth: Percy! Where did you get enough money?!

Percy:From dad. Duh. He told me he'd give me the money as long as I got him 35.

Nico: Your family has problems.

Percy: At least we talk to each other! And eat blue cupcakes instead of black ones!

Leo: Wow. Someone pass the popcorn please.

Nico: Oh you did not just say that.

Percy: Oh but I did.

Percy and Nico: *arguing*

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