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Author: Aria

Prompt: Ashlie and Dashlie let a tarantula loose and pretend to be the spider to scare their friends.

Notes: Ehhh not that much of a romance thing, but ey who knows.


Ashlie's POV

I was sitting down reading a book (Harry Potter UwU) when a tarantula was dropped on my book.


"Uh? Why aren't you scared?" A familiar high pitched voice says, replying to my silence.

"Meh.. not really fazed by these types of things"

"Ugh whatever--"

"But I do know who you can scare with it" I say cutting off what Dashlie was saying.

"Hmm?" Dashlie hums.

"Well you can try it with Dick... and hes with Duni and Jon, but instead of dropping infront of them how about we pretend to be it?"

"What does that mean? We make them think the spider is talking when its just us?" Dashlie questions.

"Yep hehe"

"Wow you arent as innocent as they say~" Dashlie says.

"Haha yep. I look like a cinnamon roll, but I can actually kill all of you."

We walk over to the living room where the 3 boys were at.

"ok 3... 2..... 1" Dashlie count downs in a hushed voice and lets the spider roam free.

Jon's POV

Agh! Duni is surprisingly really good at this game! I don't know what the game is called, but apparently its supposed to be a rage inducing game. I'm shocked at how he's keeping calm--

"Uh g-uys?"

"Yea?" Dick questions.


"D-did that s-s-spider just t-talk?!" Dick questions, confused.

"Yesssss tis meh. Da sPIDER!"

"WHAT THE HECK IS THAT THING?!?" Duni yells, losing the game.

Thats when the spider jumped at me.

Dick's POV

The somehow talking spider jumped at Jon, making him scream and run out of the room. Duni was now trying to whack the spider with a..... branch? How did he get that in here-

"Ehheheeh" the sound of someone- no wait! Two people giggling can be heard quietly.


I get up and walk over to where the sound was. Dashlie.... and Ashlie? were sitting there trying their best to be quiet. Ashlie spotted me looking at them.

"ABORTABORT-" Ashlie screams running off with Dashlie behind.


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