Late night walks

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    Ashlie and Dashlie had snuck out of the house, as Dommy and Don were blasting music, trying to cancel out Jon's musicals. The two wanted to look at the stars in the quiet, cold Autumn weather. 

"Pretty, isn't it?" Ashlie stated.

"Yup. I bet you can't count them all, or name them all." Dashlie challenged, a grin on her face.

And so Ashlie named as many as she could, and counted about 1,000 stars before giving up. A breeze caused the leaves to start shimmering down. The two looked up, orange and red and yellow all falling with grace. The two looked at each other and smiled, both blushing. If the others found out, they would never live this down. They started talking about the others, and who they ship everyone with. They laughed and laughed, which Dashlie normally would not do if not doing something.... bad.  After a while, the laughter died down, and Ashlie started to lay down on Dashlie's lap. Dashlie, startled, asked what she was doing.

"I'm just tired. Wake me up in a hour...." And With that, Ash closed her eyes. Dashlie slowly accepted it. The more she thought about it, Ashlie was a lot like a cat. Dashlie was tired as well, so she closed her eyes and let sleep absorb her. A couple hours passed, Dashlie woke up to Ashlie still asleep on her lap. 

"Hey Ash, you wanna get up? It's pretty late."

Ashlie slightly rolled, rubbing her eyes and looking up.

"No,no no.... Just five more minutes...." She said sleepily.

Dashlie sighed. "Whatever you say...."

They stayed for a couple more hours and went home. Everyone was asleep, other than Nick and Dick. The two were pacing until they saw the two  girls walk in. 

"ASHLIE" Nick shouted, running to hug her.

"Dashlie..." Dick said in a voice, masked with disappointment, but secretly happy she's alive.

"What were you two doing? You were gone for five hours!" Nick said in a worried voice.

"We were just... hanging out. Having a walk in the park. You worry to much, ya nerd." Ashlie said, punching Nick in the shoulder.

"You didn't die. A shame." Dick said.

"Feelings mutual." Replied Dashlie.

 And then, they went to their rooms and lied down. Sleep came, and soon they were in restful            dreams.

(I hope you enjoyed my story. That's all, hehe. Boi)

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