Chapter Three: Denial

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It was a few days later and Mr. Moseby and Bob hadn't talked. Bob sat at his kitchen table, swirling the coffee around in his mug. Amy, his wife, was away for a while helping PJ get set up at college. Teddy was never around probably having sex somewhere, the other bitch ass Gabe was probably having gay sex, and Charlie was quietly playing with her toys in the next room over. I left him my number, why hasn't he called me? He never gave me his... Bob though with a sigh, taking another sip of the caffeinated drink. He never really thought of the impact his new affair would have on the Duncan household. Maybe it's a good thing he isn't calling, what would he tell Amy, the kids. It was at that moment his phone rang, and he nearly sprang across the room to retrieve it.
"Yes? Hello?" Bob whispered frantically, his heart speeding up.
"Uh yea Bob, can you come and do some more work today?" his boss asked from the other side of the phone.
"Where?" he sighed, running a hand through his nonexistent hair on the top of that balding head. His boss said somewhere that was not the Tipton Hotel, and he politely declined because he was babysitting Charlie. With another sigh, Bob shuffled into the living room to see Charlie had taken off some of the dolls heads, and put them in a circle around a body of one.
"Hun, what are you doing?" He asked. Charlie turned, her eyes seemingly turning red, and Bob decided that maybe it wasn't the best time. Another ring came from his phone(his ringtone it the mii theme song but ear rape), and more nimbly then anyone could ever imagine Bob sprinted into the kitchen again.
"Hello?" Bob tried to speak more casually this time, but his heart rate was speeding up again.
"Yes hello, my name is Zachary and I wanted to invite you to the Tipton hotel." a very prepubescent sounding voice said through the phone.
"Right now?" Duncan asked, his breath only hitching a little.
"Yes, very quickly if that's possible." Without ANY thoughts on how and underage boy just invited him to the hotel, Bob went faster than SANIC to his car. The engine roared in his ears as he sped off to Mr.Moseby.

When Bob crashed through the doors, two blond boys that looked very similar greeted him.
"Are you here to see Mr. Moseby?" one of them inquired, pointing a finger at the taller man.
"Y-yes... where is he?" The two boys smirked devilishly, and lead him down a few hallways to a door with a large "Hotel Manager: Mr. Moseby" printed across it.
"Don't even bother on knocking, he's expecting you..." the more cunt looking of the two said, and Bob confidently opened the door.
"Bob! What are you doing!" cried Mr. Moseby. He wore a thigh length blood red dress, and fishnet stockings down his legs. His makeup was done very dramatic, with bright eyeshadow and SLAYIN eyebrows.
"Y-you're a Drag Queen?"

Well there ya go, Chapter Three
Hope I'll be able to update regularly, whoop
I think this is a little shorter than my other ones but oh well

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