Part 2

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Warnings: some signs or abuse

Lance's POV

I walked in to the flashing college dorm. Lights switching from color to color. Music blasting so loud my eardrums are probably permanently damaged. The rush of alcohol hit me hard. Pidge and I snuck past girl in nothing but bras and Lace panties grinding against the closest person. We made our way over to Hunk, Keith, and person. There was a talk masculine blond hair boy sitting next to Keith, red cup in hand. " Hunk hand me the vodka!" Pidge yelled leaping over the conter to grab the bottle of vodka conveniently placed. Hunk quickly swiped it away holding out of the short girls reach. " Pidge you don't have a high alcohol tolerance, maybe you shouldn't drink so much" She just started at him in disbelief. Hunk sighed handing the bottle over, watching her chug almost a third of the bottle before bolting out the room Hunk chasing after her.

Now it's just me, Keith, and mystery man. Time for questions. " So.... Keith who's your friend?" He was about to speak when the guys large hand grabbed his shoulder, looked like it caused a little pain but Keith was that wimpy. " I'm Caleb, his boyfriend. Who are you?" He questioned. He was a snappy like he had never herd of me, which he probably hasn't. Me and Keith weren't close I only really knew him was because me and his older brother Shiro are friends. " I'm lance. I'm Keith's brothers friend," Caleb made an o shape with his lips. I didn't know what but something about him was off.

Keith hadn't said a word which was usually normal but I could sense tension between the top of them. "Keith you need to lighten up" Caleb said. It was less of a joke and more of a demand. He force a small FAKE smile on his face. " here drink some of this" Caleb pushed a bottle of alcohol towards Keith. I didn't know Keith that well but I knew he didn't drink... ever. " I don't think Keith really drinks" I said Caleb's eyes snapped towards me. " how would you know that" Keith still hasn't said a word, like he was unable to talk without permission. " Just something Shiro told me" " it's fine he need to lighten up. Drink this" he gave a Keith a red cup, he stared at him some how giving off the expression 'drink it or I will beat you senseless' Keith looked up then back at the cup and then at me. He seemed like he was trying to get me to help put of this.

" You don't have to pressure him like this" why am I helping him all we did was bicker. But he just looked so vulnerable and helpless. It wasn't like him. " I am not pressuring him! Am I Keith!?" " n-no your n-not." That was the first thing he said all night. It sounded defeated, like he gave up.  He was stuttering. He never did that he always had a calm presence even though he can be so uncontrollable at times he was good at pretending to be composed. But not now.This wasn't like him and it really bothered me. " Good! Now drink the damn cup" Caleb ordered. Keith looked up at him then chugged the whole cup down.
This wasn't good.

I'm really excited for this so I'll probably be posting a lot this week till I get in like a schedule thing❤️️

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