Chapter 12

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-Recap- (From Niall's POV)

As i walked into the lounge room, i noticed all the boys having a laugh and fooling about with Toy Story on in the background. I looked at Louis and thought about everything that had happened today.. he is finally mine!!! i cannot express how happy i am!! on the outside i may just be smiling like a mad man again... but on the inside i was fangirling like a fan meeting her idol. I noticed someone glaring at me, and knew straight away who it was... Harry... urgh...

"I'm going to bed.." I said and faked a yawn. Before anyone replied i walked into my bedroom and locked the door. Today... was a great day... even if Harry tried to stop me from having fun... I layed on my bed and started thinking about the boy who was in the other room and was now my boyfriend... i love that word.... boyfriend... 

-End Of Recap-

Niall's POV

Darkness. That's all i can see. Even if i put my hand out in front of my face, i still can't see it. Where am i? And why does it smell dusty and dirty? Loads of questions started forming in my head, asking where the boys and my boyfriend was, and what was happening. Suddenly, i saw a white light appear in the distance. It looked pure and in other words, holy. I started to walk towards it, the little white light being my guide in the darkness. 

As i was getting closer to the light, the light was expanding. Becoming bigger and bigger than ever until finally, the darkness had gone and been replaced by this light of heaven. 

As looked around once again, i noticed the red catwalk like carpet strip on the floor which i was currently standing. The "sky" was white just like in the distance all around me. It was like being in the middle of a massive desert, trapped, alone, with no way to escape without water. A part from i wasn't in the desert, i was surrounded by this light. 

I don't know exactly why, but something told me to keep walking and not give up.... so that's what i did.  

I walked and walked until my legs felt like they were about to fall, and so far all i have seen is whit.... white..... fucking white everywhere!!!!

Am i dead...? Is this heaven or something..? Oh god... please say I'm not dead or something... please!!! i beg!! 

As i looked into the near distance, i noticed a small building which looked rather familiar. 'That way...' A female voice came into my head, and without my permission, my legs were moving in the direction. 

After what felt like hours and hours on end, I finally reached the bakery my mum worked at... i thought to myself. 

As i walked up to the door and put my hand on the door knob to turn it, i felt that it was ice cold to the touch and wouldn't open for me. I walked over to the big window a noticed my mum serving someone who had long brown hair, skinny and was wearing a pink checkered top with jeans. I watched as my mum smiled her beautiful smile to the customer as they turned to leave. The customer walked out the door and as i went to grab it, it went straight through my hand like i was a ghost or something. How strange is that..... 

I looked around and noticed i was now in a street, a busy street. There was skyscapers everywhere, most of them at tall as the clouds. On the skyscrapers, there was big sign's that flashed different things like an advert for a car and coke. One of the big sign's had the advert for Nando's on, which quickly caught my eye. There was a street in front of me, busy and alive. Yellow taxi's, one behind the other beeping at each other as they wait for the street light to turn green from red. On both side of the road, there was hundreds of people rushing to and from places. All pushing and shoving with impatient expression on their faces.

Falling down into the pit -Nouis AUWhere stories live. Discover now