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A/N: Yes, this role play has a plot. Big surprise *sarcasm* anyway, please don't judge this plot. Unless you want to have a bad time

Year 2021

The world was in a state of chaos. Humans and animals were hiding from the shadows, afraid of being consumed by the darkness. Legends were told about these creatures. They lurked in the dark and never failed to make anything, living or not, disappear.

These were called "Nightmares" due to their appearance and abilities. They were said to be able to enter the minds of those who were asleep and toy with their thoughts.

These were only said to be legends. Until it became a reality

October 1st, 2021:

Humans below the age of 20 but older than 5 haven't been awakening from their sleep. Scientists and other experts have been studying this phenomenon and have been trying to reverse it so that the Humans that are asleep can be awoken.

But all attempts were futile. There seemed to be no way in reversing.

October 20th, 2030

Nine years later, the phenomenon was still happening. Children who turned 6 never woke up from their sleep. This made the remaining humans to grow anxious and scared. What if the ones that were asleep never did wake up?

Then, it happened. Something Humans have been fearing for a while.

The first child below the age of 5 has not been awoken from her slumber.

This child's name is Yanna Alicante. She was only 3 years old when she was cursed into what they now call "Eternal Slumber."

November 1, 2030

The Eternal Slumber has now reduced the Human population by half. And it seemed that the age of those who are getting cursed with Eternal Slumber is getting lower. There have been reports of 4 year olds being cursed.

Trapped in this Nightmare (RP) (Discontinued) Where stories live. Discover now