Chapter 10

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Roc is buying me dinner today I think it's so sweet this is our 4th date and I think I actually might like him

Roc- I've been thinking... it's our 4th date and I really like you but I don't know if you--(GCO)

I crashed my lips into his to tell im what it was without even speaking

I pulled away and blushed a bit and he smiled at me then he took a small box with a pink ribbon around it out of his pocket and handed it to me

Me- whats this?

Roc- Open it and find out

I untied the ribbon and opened the box and seen this --->

Me- OH my BOB ( I don't usually swear to god )

Roc- you don't like it cause i'll take it back and I can get you--(GCO)

I slowly and passionately kissed him it was so sweet that he would do that for me based off of the things he knew about me from 3 dates

I pulled away and pecked me on the cheek


Jacob won't talk to me , he wont even tell me if we're over he's been ignoring my calls every time I go to his room he is never there or just doesn't come to the door

I went again and I said I was house keeping and he opened the door and he looked at me and tried to close it but I put my foot in the way

Jacob- MOVE

Me- Jacob please just talk to me I don't know what I did wrong I miss you why are you ignoring me ?

Jacob licked his lips and breathed out hard

Jacob- why would I want a girlfriend that could throw a murder case on me at any minute?

Me- I would never do that to you

Jacob- But YN would

Me- she wouldn't either

Jacob- Yes she would

Me- No she wouldn't

Jacob- why wouldn't she

Me- it would make her whole story that she told the police look like a giant ass lie that's why

Jacob swallowed

And looked at me

Jacob- look I really didn't kill any body i'll tell you what really happened

I went in and he closed the door



It's been 3 days of ignoring Ray and it's really hard I miss everything about him , his kiss, his touch, his love I miss it  I wish I could tell him the truth but it wouldn't do him any good

I was walking on the deck when I seen Ray with another girl holding hands and kissing

My breathing became unsteady, I felt like there was a lump in my throat that wouldn't come out , my heart felt like it was broken in 100,000,000 Little tiny bite sized pieces

I felt a tear go down my cheek

I walked over to him , he had some sun glasses on and some Polo

Me- Ray who is this

Ray- this Is Alona the girl I'm dating

Me- dating?

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