Chapter 30

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??? POV

???: Why what did this girl do

??: Your questioning me?

???: I mean it seems abit... heartless dont you think

??: Do i look like i care i run the show and you do what I say

???: Whats in it for me?

??: You do value your life , dont you

???: ( rolls my eyes ) May i ask who i'm working for?

??: Just know i'm K

???: Whats that stand for ?

??: Dont worry about it

???: fine, what do i do

??: This girl ( slides me a picture of a girl ) is carrying a child but i have persuaded her to think it might just be Food poisoning

???: What do you want me to do

??: What you always do Mr. Flirtatious

???: You want me to fuck her , wont that hurt the baby

??: Get her to drink so that way her child is already in jeopardy

???: what if she doesnt wanna drink

??: Persuade her , she's heart broken and venerable so it shouldnt be too hard

???: Why do you want me to hurt this girl and her baby?

??: Vengeance

???: So she did something so bad that you have to kill her

??: YES Her and her friends ruined my life

???: well why dont you go after one of her friends that arent pregnant

??: shut the fuck up and do what i say! ( Holds a gun to his head ) Or regret it

???: Fine ( Walks out the room )


Mom: So Honey have you enjoyed you vacation?

I couldn't tell her that someone Named K is out to get Me and My Friends so I lied .... Again

Me: Yea everything was great

Mom: Good now what was wrong with Alex

Me: Nothing , it's.... That time of the month

Mom: Oh ( Starts talking to someone else )

Alex: ( looks at me ) Seriously

Me: What it was the first thing i could think of

Alex: I'm Serious don't tell anyone

I know not to tell anyone but it's eating me Alive

* 10 P.M . THAT NIGHT *

??? POV

I seen her in the exact place K said she would be i'm not proud of what im about to do but i also dont wanna die

I walked over to her at The bar stool and she had her head in her arms

Me: You dead?

She chuckled and then looked up at me she was pretty but i tried not to think about that

Her: Mine as well be

Me: Why do you say that?

Her: Who are you?

Me: My Names Nolen

She nodded her head

Me: You haven't answered my question Love

Her: My name is not Love

Me: What is it

Her: ... Alex and i didnt mean anything by it , it's just me talking without thinking

Me: Could I buy you a drink, it looks like you need one

Alex: I dont think thats a good idea

Me: Why?

Alex: ( she made a face ) There i go not thinking again

I looked at her and smiled and she laughed

Alex: Why are you looking at me like That?

Me: because ... your beautiful

She looked down and tried to hide her smile but i could still see it

What could this girl possibly have done to K

Me: About that drink

Alex: Sure, thank you

I bought her one of the strongest drinks on the menu

After a few of those she was really drunk so i finished my job

I took her to my Room and I think you know what happened next



K: Well i dont really care


K: I Know that but i  figured why not myself the trouble of having to kill the child after it's born when it will always be in her arms when i could kill it in the womb and make it look like a miscarriage her friends , her and we know she is not fit to be a mother anyway

Me: Have you forgotten that it will effect more than just the baby and her it effects everyone including Nolen

K: I know Everything comes with a price you know that just as well as me so cut the bs and get to the point you've been defending these bitches ever since we got on the boat , is it because of your little girlfriend YN don't forget i have to watch out for myself to

Me: Then stop fucking around with Alex's baby and take care of the real problem Asia

K: Don't you see, i've already started,this is my game of chess and im the king and Queen your my Knight now go do what i told you to do !

Caribbean Cruising ( A YN && Diggy Simmons Love Story )Where stories live. Discover now