An Encounter

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The clouds surrounded the mild sun's rays above, making the land below to appear duller than how it should be. Greyness gloomed on every person that passed me by – adults, teenagers, the elder, even children. It wasn't unusual to me, I was quite used to the gloominess as it has clung to most of my life. Almost as if it were meant to be a part of my life for good; and I couldn't fight it to defeat it.

Wherever I turn, it follows me; like a lost puppy would follow a stranger in hopes of finding love and friendship. Sighing, I soon stood up from my little corner of stone, wiping away the moss that dirtied my trousers and my back. It was fun being an orphan – notice the sarcasm there. I got what I had always hoped and wished upon a star for; freedom. 
But this freedom wasn't what I had expected at all. It was dark and cold, unfair and violent. When I was first taken into the orphanage, I knew it would be like walking on shattered glass. You never know when the glass would stab you or where about is the place on your foot that you got stabbed.

"Get out of here, freak! You don't belong here because no one would want you" 
It's funny how those words are still fresh in my memory. I know I shouldn't believe them, but I did without even thinking. Nobody would want me; therefore, I wasn't going to force anyone to. After my first two nights of walking on shattered glass, I devised a plan and soon escaped – after stealing what I could take from others first.

Money, clothes, some things that I could trade for a good price. An old book that I grew to love reading almost every night.

I adored the book greatly, as it was the only thing that reminded how I was once loved. Plus, it provided me some literature to practice over the few years that I know would probably be my last. In a way it gave me something to remember what an idealistic impression of what the world should be. Happy, joyful, peaceful and fair – none of this selfishness that stains pure souls. None of this horribleness completely changing anything.

That was the world I kept on dreaming about; even keeping it in my mind in whatever I did. I just hoped that one day I'll be strong enough to make that dream come true.

Sighing, I began stumbling my way towards the market after grabbing my rug sack. I had a few items left to sell for some food money, so might as well make the use of it. I'll be honest, when I stole from the orphanage, one item seemed to always capture my attention.

A small medallion with silver cravings of swirls and beautiful shiny crystal resting within; almost as if it were the property of a Gothic church or straight out of one of those stupid evil queen's quarters. It just managed to grab my attention, almost as if I had a spell cast upon me. You know? When something interesting makes you obsessed with it, almost to the point where it becomes a part of your life? Your own little secret to giggle about in private.

That's how this medallion felt like to me. 

I have never felt more protective over an object in my life, to be honest; because it was more precious than the god damn book. 
Wow, I sound crazy now whenever the topic of the medallion pops up. Then again, I've been isolated from society so, I assume it's normal that one could lose their mind gradually. No wonder I have trust issues. 

With my hands holding my arms to act as a shield against the shady cold, I ventured down the streets, avoiding people as I would usually go about my day. However, I knew today I needed to do something if I wished to continue living on the streets. Begging was out of the question, as I hated communicating with strangers and I didn't want the pity looks - it honestly made me annoyed as it normally felt like they were being snobs. Rubbing in my face what they had and I don't have. 

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