~the next couple of days~

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the next couple of days everyone just carries on life as they would normally Rachel and Ayesha spend a lot more time with Tessa and Erika. Rachel and Ayesha re still at school so whilst they have been over in LA they have been receiving work over email so they spend the next couple of days catching up with work and they all film and just have fun. Jake has been finding more work for Rachel and Ayesha and Rachel wants to do more acting and Ayesha wants to be a model

thursday evening

(both Rachel and Ayesha are sat in their room just finishing off the homework)

rachel:these past two weeks have been great

Ayesha:i completely agree I really don't want to leave on Sunday

rachel:same we might never come back

Ayesha:thats so true

(rachel and Ayesha hear a knock at the door and Jake looks through)

Jake:can I come in

Ayesha:yeah sure

Jake:how is your work going

rachel:good thanks whats up

Jake:so I've booked for us to all go skiing and snowboarding we will be setting off tonight when chance and Anthony are back

Ayesha:thats so cool omg

Jake:it is hahah


Jake:haha anyway whilst we wait do you guys wanna go to the gym with me I'll be setting of in about 15 mins

rachel:yeah sure we won't be long

(Jake leaves the room then Rachel and Ayesha get changed to go for the gym)



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(They all go to the gym and when they are back they start to pack first r the next two days

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(They all go to the gym and when they are back they start to pack first r the next two days. Emilio comes into Ayesha's and Rachel's room whilst Ivan is helping Jake pack)

Emilio:I'm going to miss you two when you go

Ayesha:I'm going to miss you too

Emilio:the past two weeks have been amazing at first I wasn't sure what it would be like but you two fit in with us all perfectly

Rachel:aww thankyou

Emilio:I know that Anthony will really miss you

Rachel:will he

Emilio:yeah he really does have a crush on you but hasn't said owt because he doesn't know if ur coming back

Rachel:wait how do you know

Emilio:it's the only thing Anthony goes on about

Ayesha:I love that

Emilio:it's cute

(When everyone is finished packing and chance and Anthony is back everyone who's off skiing makes there way to the airport and gets a plane to Canada where they will be skiing, it's late at night so they don't even look around they go straight to sleep)

The next part should be up tommoz or in a few days

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