Desperate Times

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Lying on my bed in my room on The Ghost, I had nothing but my thoughts. How many times had we been forced to retreat? How many times had we failed? Well this was it, this was the line, I couldn't let the Empire continue to suck my planet dry of its natural resources and take away the rights of my people. At this point, The Emperor basically was the senate, and because of that my people were suffering.
This Rebellion, this pathetic excuse for a rebellion, was failing. Mon Mothma never took any action, Bail Organa was rarely seen and The Ghost Crew... well, the Ghost Crew weren't what they used to be. Kanan was getting tired of fighting, Zeb was loosing the will to keep going, Hera was getting sluggish whilst piloting in dogfights and Sabine almost always retracted herself to her own company.
Myself on the other hand, I was now running on nothing but my hatred for the Empire, my sheer determination to destroy them once and for all. The fragments of the Sith Holocron still spoke to me every once in a while, that voice. That old, female voice might be a manifestation of the dark side, but it held great wisdom, and helped me keep going whilst Kanans old Jedi Holocron collected dust.
However, once I had been lying on my bed contemplating my past and my future, everyone else had gone to sleep, so that meant I could go and have time to myself. I got up, taking my green Kyber Crystal with me, but I also took one of the Inquisitors Crystals as well, as I wanted to try something.
Nevertheless, I sneaked through the halls of the Ghost, creeping towards the cargo bay where I could breath the fresh air of the small Yavin moon, and I made my way onto the wilderness.

There he went again, this had now become a daily occurrence every night. Every night he got up from his bed and left the ship to go do who knows what. Me on the other hand, I always just sat up and worked on my art. I had begun to notice it had been getting darker and darker recently, but that was probably just due to my current mood. It seemed like there was no escape these days.
But tonight, I had plans. I was going to go out there and follow Ezra, without him knowing of course. I had to know what he got up to at such late hours. So without further a do, I got up from my bed, managed to get the bottom half of my armour on gracefully, whilst giving up on the top half, instead I just wore a tank top that had been splattered with paint over the years.
I had to be careful not to set off any traps the rebels had set out in the forest though, and try to avoid the guards that secured the perimeters around the base. Then there were the animals, the strange, strange animals, but as I trudged through the swamps of the moon, it became easier the more I did it. Following his path all the way, I eventually found him.
He was sitting with his legs in a basket, obviously meditating, but there were two small objects levitating in front of him. They glowed, one green and one crimson red, and immediately I knew what they were. Kyber Crystals, one from his second lightsaber, the other from the Inquisitors. However, lightsabers used by the inquisitors had two crystals inside their hilts...
Then it clicked, he was keeping the other one out of sight. Hidden from anyone who might be able to find it. Nevertheless, I thought about interrupting his meditation, but I stayed back when I noticed his green crystal had begun to flicker into a different colour, I began to here him groan and struggle. What was he doing to it? I attempted to creep forward some more, but I heard a sudden snap from under my feet.
I looked down, noticing the broken stick under my left foot, and cursed in Mandalrorian. The crystals dropped to the ground and Ezra looked round, searching for the source of the snap, and eventually he noticed my bright coloured tank top sticking out amongst all the green and brown of the forestry around me. He stood up and lifted the crystals using the Force, putting them in his pocket.
"What are you doing here?" He called over as I made my way towards him. "Looking for you," I replied. My voice sounding extremely small in the vast swamps that surrounded me. "Why were you following me?" Ezra asked. I attempted to get closer to him, but he backed away when I noticed I was motioning towards him. "Because I'm worried about you, Ezra! The whole crew is worried about you! Don't you get that? Kanan doesn't sleep at night, neither does Hera, and Zeb just complains that your not your old self anymore!"
"Sabine, stop." I could feel the frustration beginning to rise in Ezras voice. "Or what Ezra? What will you do? Kill me like you did the Inquisitor? Try it- suddenly, an invisible force slammed me back against the closest tree trunk, and I fell back onto the muddy ground, my back aching like hell. With a laboured groan, I stood up and unhooked the Darksaber from my belt, igniting its liquid black blade, its whistle giving me a sense of security knowing that I now had a viable weapon to defend myself with.

The Darksaber, luckily I had the Force on my side, otherwise she could prove to be a challenging opponent. I closed my eyes, concentrated, and lifted up some rocks from around me, the same size as my head. My hands raised at my side, I crushed the rocks into smaller chunks, then again, and again, until they were no bigger than the tip of my thumbs, and with a flick of my wrist, I hurled them at Sabine.
She obviously had no idea how to deflect several projectiles at once, and so I managed to hit her in the face a few times, since her armour was too thick to be pierced. She stumbled back, wailing as her eyes were hit with the stones, and fell back onto the mud. I walked up over to her, looking down at her as she scrambled for her saber which was lying in front of her.
I stomped my foot down on it before she could get to it, and she looked up to me, fear in her eyes. "Ezra... what's happened to you?" I crouched down in front of her, "next time you feel like following me, don't." I got back up and began to walk back to the base, leaving Sabine to take care of herself. Everything was fine until I sensed a sudden danger, I spun round to see Sabine holding her blaster in her hand. She shot it, but I was a split second too late to dodge the bolt, and I fell to the ground.

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