The Darkest Star

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Art. War. They were connected, war was Art, as it was a great many other things. Even the hyperspace vortex that whirled past the Star Destroyer, I saw as art. Suddenly, a voice knocked me out of my thoughts. "Sir, we're approaching the site of the construction."
I turned to see the Imperial Lieutenant standing straight with his arms down by his side. "Good, prepare my shuttle."
"Yes Admiral," he turned and walked away, and I turned back to face the windows of the Destroyer. Soon, the vortex faded and the stars reappeared, but that is not what I was focusing on. I had never seen it before, so to see it for the first time was truly something extraordinary, even if it wasn't finished. There were patches on the surface that were still under construction.
Not only that but there was still a large hole on the side of the station where the dish was going to be slotted into, but none the less, it was still impressive. The biggest space station ever created, and the most powerful super weapon to ever terrorise the Galaxy. Krennic may not have fully appreciated art, but he sure knew how to create it.

As the ship came into the docking bay, I got ready and stood in front of the bay ramp, one Death Trooper on either side of me. Eventually, the ship landed with a soft thud, and the ramp lowered to the shiny liquid black floor. As I walked down the ramp, I saw Grand Moff Tarkin waiting for me with several ranks of stormtroopers on either side of the large docking bay.
"Admiral Thrawn," Tarkin greeted, his voice stern and cold. "Governor Tarkin, I must say I am most impressed with what I have seen of your station so far." Tarkin made a quick snort, "oh it's not my station... yet." We turned and started walking down the ranks of troopers, the Death Troopers tailing tightly behind. "Ah, so Krennic is proving a challenge for you still?"
"Trust me old friend, Krennic won't be a problem for much longer, unfortunately it is impossible for you start construction on your TIE Defender at this point, as all our resources are focused on completing this "Death Star" as our chief science officer has named it."
"Well, Tarkin as much as I am impressed by the station, I cannot say that I am not disappointed in the fact that the Defender will not be brought into further development."
"Trust me Thrawn, in the long run, this is the correct decision." I clenched my fist, as I knew all Tarkin desired was power, and that is what would be his downfall, but then I remembered what that creature had told me the day I attacked the Rebel fleet. "Many arms surround you, in a cold embrace." I was still to find out what that meant. We came to the Overbridge of the station, where a familiar figure stood facing towards the window. His long cloak flowing down to the floor, and I heard his breath. That very distinct breath. "Lord Vader, to what do I owe the pleasure?" I bowed my head slightly to show my respect to the Sith Lord.
Vader turned, "you may spare me your pleasantries, Admiral. I am here to discuss your recent failure."  Not many things sent shivers down my spine, but Vader's voice certainly did. I sometimes wondered what he sounded like without the mask, was his voice still so disturbing? Or was it simply the distorter in the helmet that gave it its menacing tone? I sometimes wondered if he was even human.
Vader walked up to me while Tarkin spectated from the side, his eyes cold and calculating. Tarkin was tall, but Vader was undoubtedly at least six foot, which meant he toward over me when standing right in front of me breathing down my collar.
"Failure? I assure you my Lord, the Rebel fleet was decimated to an even further degree."
"One of my last Inquisitors killed? An entire Battle ship destroyed?!"
"My Lord, please understand that the rebels resources have grown since we last encountered them. They-"
Suddenly, I felt a clamp force down on my neck from all directions, cutting off my windpipe. I gasped for breath, but none came, and I doubled over onto my knees, my hand at my throat as I felt as if I was about to pass out. I looked up to see Vader with his hand raised, his fingers curled. "I grow tired of your endless excuses, Thrawn. You were given a task, I expected you to complete it, and yet you let the Rebels escape taking down a Star Destroyer in the process." His grip was strong, but just before I passed out, Vader released the Force choke. "you were given the title of Grand Admiral for a purpose. Fulfil it."
He turned back to face the window that overlooked a dying Star. I climbed back up to my feet and felt my throat with my hand "as you wish... my Lord," I said, distaste in my voice. Tarkin walked over to me, "allow me to show you your working quarters, they are not far from here." We were about to turn, but before we could Vader spoke again. "It is now your mission to find the Jedi known as Ezra Bridger, capture him and bring him to me." I narrowed my eyes, " very-well, my Lord." We then turned and walked back out of the Overbridge.

'Not long now,' I thought. The only sound in the room being my mechanical breathing. Soon young Bridger would be mine, the Emperor would be dead and the Empire would be mine to command. Ezra's powers were growing in the Force, I could sense the dark side slowly, yet surely beginning to take him over. Only together could we overthrow the Emperor, for as long as he lived, I would never be free from his command over me.

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