Amaria's P.O.V

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I walk down the hallway leaving Alexi standing by herself.
Fuck Sam. Fuck school. Fuck everything. That's when I decide I'm leaving then school. Right when I'm about Mr. Denman's bitch ass comes in my way.

"Where are you going" he asks me.

"Um, home." I say trying to get past him.

"I don't think so" he states trying turn me around. That's when I punch him in the throat and leave him gasping for air. I walk out the door pissed. I texted Xavier.
-I wanna come home. Can you pick me up?
~Yeah. I'm coming.
-I have some shocking news and after you pick me up we needa pick up my Amani.

About 5 minutes later, Xavier pulls up in his car. Thomas is in the car. I open the door and see Thomas is in the car.

"The fuck are you doing here?"  I sorta shout.

"Me and Xavier are together." Thomas says grabbing Xavier's hand and locks it with his.

"As in together, together?" I say my eyes wide open.

"Of course dumb ass" Thomas replies back.

"Well um guys, I'm pregnant." I say.

"Oh I guess another person in my house." Xavier says laughing. We drive to the hospital and go get Amani. We walk into the room and see Amani in the hospital bed. I run towards her and hug her.

"They said you have to dress me," she says pulling away slowly from the hug.

"Alright," I smiled and took her to the bathroom to bathe her. After I gave Amani a bath, she put on her pink sweater that had a kitten in the middle, denim skinny jeans and tan uggs. I put her hair in a bun. Once we stepped out the bathroom, the nurses had to wrap her arm and our it in a cast. I held her hand and walked out the hospital bedroom. Xavier and Thomas were behind us, holding hands. We walked to the front desk and checked Amani out of the hospital.

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